Kent Johnson wrote:
> flamesrock wrote:
> > Kind of a fun but confusing problem...
> >
> > I have two lists. Each list contains elements of two-element lists.
> > l1 = [['c1',1],['c2',2],['c3',4]]
> > l2 = [['c1',1],['c2',2],['c4',4],['c3',3]]
> >
> > Exactly in this format, where
> > superlist[
wowowow now THAT is what I call simple!
flamesrock wrote:
> Kind of a fun but confusing problem...
> I have two lists. Each list contains elements of two-element lists.
> l1 = [['c1',1],['c2',2],['c3',4]]
> l2 = [['c1',1],['c2',2],['c4',4],['c3',3]]
> Exactly in this format, where
> superlist[0][0] is always a string
> superlist[0]
Em Sex, 2006-04-14 às 15:43 -0700, flamesrock escreveu:
> Does anyone have a simple solution
$ python2.4
Python 2.4.3 (#2, Mar 30 2006, 21:52:26)
[GCC 4.0.3 (Debian 4.0.3-1)] on linux2
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>>> l1 = [['c1',1],['c2',2],['c3',4]]
Kind of a fun but confusing problem...
I have two lists. Each list contains elements of two-element lists.
l1 = [['c1',1],['c2',2],['c3',4]]
l2 = [['c1',1],['c2',2],['c4',4],['c3',3]]
Exactly in this format, where
superlist[0][0] is always a string
superlist[0][1] is always an integer
Now what I