Re: Portable Python challenge - round 1

2011-01-01 Thread Perica Zivkovic
Well I'm not paying anybody anything. I'm giving USB sticks for free because I got them for free from our sponsor :) Name and email I need to be able to know where to send them, or you know some easier ways for that ? And thanks for your suggestion but I'm putting my free time where I want while

Re: Portable Python challenge - round 1

2011-01-01 Thread Terry Reedy
On 1/1/2011 3:59 PM, Perica Zivkovic wrote: when those versions of Portable Python were published, they were the latest available versions of Python. 2.6.1: December 2008; 3.0.1: February 2009 Unfortunately I did not had time to update them since the last release. If you have not done any

Re: Portable Python challenge - round 1

2011-01-01 Thread Perica Zivkovic
Hi Terry, when those versions of Portable Python were published, they were the latest available versions of Python. Unfortunately I did not had time to update them since the last release. regards, Perica --

Re: Portable Python challenge - round 1

2011-01-01 Thread Terry Reedy
On 1/1/2011 10:14 AM, Perica Zivkovic wrote: All, Portable Python challenge - round 1 has started ! Answer one simple question and you can win 4GB USB fingerprint drive. In exchange for name and email... The question: "What is the exact date (day month and year) of the first Por

Portable Python challenge - round 1

2011-01-01 Thread Perica Zivkovic
All, Portable Python challenge - round 1 has started ! Answer one simple question and you can win 4GB USB fingerprint drive. This round of Portable Python challenge is sponsored by EgisTec Inc. In the future challenges we will test your