Unfortunately I'm familiar with the generator concept, I'll look into
it though, 'cause it saved me at least once already :)
Thanks mate.
Panos Laganakos wrote:
> What I don't understand is what are you doing with *(...), this is
> supposed to pack its contents as a list?
the *arg form treats each value in the arg sequence as a separate argument.
for example,
arg = 1, 2, 3
is the same thing as
Fredrik, thanks alot.
Your preposition worked like a charm, plus I got to learn how to
reverse an inner for loop using list comprehensions :)
What I don't understand is what are you doing with *(...), this is
supposed to pack its contents as a list?
Panos Laganakos wrote:
> I have a list that includes lists of integers, in the form of:
> li = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], ...]
> What can I do to get li as a single list of integers?
> I tried list comprehension in the form of:
> [([j for j in i]) for i in li]
> But that doesn't seem to work, any
Just came up with this:
litemp = []
[litemp.extend(i) for i in li]
Seems to give me a list with all the inner elements of li, not sure if
struct.pack will accept it now, but I'll give it a try.
I have a list that includes lists of integers, in the form of:
li = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], ...]
packed = struct.pack(str(len(li)*3)+'i', li)
The frmt part is right, as I'm multiplying by 3, 'cause each inner list
has 3 elements.
What can I do to get li as a single list of integers?
I tr