ChinStrap wrote:
I know there are probably alternatives for this with the standard
library, but I think that would kill the speed I get with numarray:
Say I have two 2-dimensional numarrays (x_mat and y_mat, say), and a
function f(x,y) that I would like to evaluate at every index.
Basically I want
Oh well. I am downloading all the things to build it, but in the mean
time I just did:
def get_y_mat(x_ind,y_ind):
return self.y_min + y_ind*self.dy
def get_x_mat(x_ind,y_ind):
return self.x_min + x_ind*self.dx
ChinStrap wrote:
Are there no windows binaries for SciPy for python 2.4 yet? I try to
run the installer and it complains that it can't find python 2.3.
No, not yet.
Besides that, vectorize is exactly what i want.
Robert Kern
"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
Are there no windows binaries for SciPy for python 2.4 yet? I try to
run the installer and it complains that it can't find python 2.3.
Besides that, vectorize is exactly what i want.
ChinStrap wrote:
I know there are probably alternatives for this with the standard
library, but I think that would kill the speed I get with numarray:
Say I have two 2-dimensional numarrays (x_mat and y_mat, say), and a
function f(x,y) that I would like to evaluate at every index.
Basically I want
I know there are probably alternatives for this with the standard
library, but I think that would kill the speed I get with numarray:
Say I have two 2-dimensional numarrays (x_mat and y_mat, say), and a
function f(x,y) that I would like to evaluate at every index.
Basically I want to be able to sa