Nally Kaunda-Bukenya wrote:
> I am very sorry to bother you, but I need help understanding the code that
> you assisted me with. It does exactly what I needed done, I can't thank
> you enough for that. I am just learning Python, and would appreciate all
> the help. please see my comments below
Nally Kaunda-Bukenya wrote:
> I hope someone can help me. I am new to Python and trying to achive the
> following:
> 1) I would like to populate the Tot_Ouf_Area field with total area of
> each unique outfall_id (code attempted below,but Tot_Ouf_Area not
> populating)
> 2) I would also
Hi Esther,
On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 13:29, Nally Kaunda-Bukenya wrote:
> import arcgisscripting
> gp=arcgisscripting.create()
> gp.Workspace = "C:\\NPDES\\NPDES_PYTHON.mdb"
> fc = "Outfalls_ND"
> try:
> # Set the field to create a list of unique values
> fieldname = "O
Dear Python experts,
I hope someone can help me. I am new to Python and trying to achive the
1) I would like to populate the Tot_Ouf_Area field with total area of each
unique outfall_id (code attempted below,but Tot_Ouf_Area not populating)
2) I would also like to get the