Minlar Ginger wrote:
> HIi all:
> I am a new beginner to python, would you like give me some advice on
> studying it?
> Welcome to list some book on python for me.
> Thanks a lot.
If you like a practical approach you can try
Langtangen's Python Scripting for Computational Science.
Minlar Ginger wrote:
> HIi all:
> I am a new beginner to python, would you like give me some advice on
> studying it?
> Welcome to list some book on python for me.
> Thanks a lot.
I'd say read "Learning Python" (2nd ed.)
If you are new to programming:
If you already know at least one programming language:
Your goal is to read, work the examples, and understand the Python
Tutorial by Guido von Rossum:
Hello Minlar,
try: http://www.diveintopython.org/
It is written very cleary and helps you to get started very quickly.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Florian Reiser
RA Unternehmensberatung
Führen durch präzise Daten
"Minlar Ginger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I am a new beginner to python, would you like give me some
> advice on studying it?
http://www.python.org/doc/ is a real great place to start. Are you
looking for different advice?
HIi all:
I am a new beginner to python, would you like give me some advice on
studying it?
Welcome to list some book on python for me.
Thanks a lot.