Matthias Bläsing schrieb:
> Am Sat, 19 Jan 2008 14:14:30 -0800 schrieb snoylr:
>> For example if the variable is 105Markum
>> What statement do I need to create a file name 105Markum.txt?
> filename_base = '105Markum'
> filename = '%s.txt' % filename_base
> f = open(filename, 'w')
> f.writ
Am Sat, 19 Jan 2008 14:14:30 -0800 schrieb snoylr:
> For example if the variable is 105Markum
> What statement do I need to create a file name 105Markum.txt?
filename_base = '105Markum'
filename = '%s.txt' % filename_base
f = open(filename, 'w')
I have a variable called filename
How do I create a file using the filename variable as the name of the
For example if the variable is 105Markum
What statement do I need to create a file name 105Markum.txt?