> Does MySQLdb automatically reconnect if the connection to the database is
> broken?
It seems so.
> I'm asking this since I have a longrunning Python precess that is
> connected to Mysql-4.1.11, and I execute "set names utf8" when I connect
> to it.
> But after running a day the results from
I don't beleive that it does. You can however call ping() on the
connection which should attempt an automatic reconnection.
See the docs for mysql_ping:
I've never tested that, but I have a need for it also so let me know if
it works or not.
Does MySQLdb automatically reconnect if the connection to the database is
I'm asking this since I have a longrunning Python precess that is connected
to Mysql-4.1.11, and I execute "set names utf8" when I connect to it.
But after running a day the results from the python program were disp