> While Python provides some helpful methods for moving files and
> directories around (shutil.move, shutil.copytree, etc), none of
> them seem to be able to merge two directories.
> Any ideas?
It's not pretty, but you could hack up the original copytree()
source so it ignores errors from t
Think about using the subprocess module. There are calls made just for
your. Notably (using command pydoc subprrocess.call) :
subprocess.call = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete, then
return the returncode attribute.
Suppose you have two file-trees with common sub-directories but
different files that you want to merge together, e.g.
You can easily merge the directories in Linux using the "cp" command:
cp -r test/* test2/
While Python provides s