Thanks for the replies. I got my program working but the memory problem
remains. When the program finishes and I am brought back to the PythonWin
the memory is still tied up until I run gc.collect(). While my choice of
platform for XML processing may not be the best one (I will change it later)
Peter Otten wrote:
> Like Gerhard says, in the long run you are probably better off with
> ElementTree.
In the long run it's even better to use lxml [1]. It's the fastest und
most powerful XML library for Python. It also supports element tree.
Thanks for the help.
I converted everything into the StringIO() format. Memory is still getting
chewed up. I will look at ElementTree later but for now I believe the speed
issue must be related to the amount of memory that is getting used. It is
causing all of windows to slow to a crawl. gc.coll
Carbon Man wrote:
> Very new to Python, running 2.5 on windows.
> I am processing an XML file (7.2MB). Using the standard library I am
> recursively processing each node and parsing it. The branches don't go
> particularly deep. What is happening is that the program is running really
> really slow
Here's a link for you:
which also talks about string concatenation and othere do's and don'ts.
-- Gerhard
Carbon Man wrote:
> Very new to Python, running 2.5 on windows.
> I am processing an XML file (7.2MB). Using the standard library I am
> recursively processing each node and parsing it. The branches don't go
> particularly deep. What is happening is that the program is running really
> really sl
Very new to Python, running 2.5 on windows.
I am processing an XML file (7.2MB). Using the standard library I am
recursively processing each node and parsing it. The branches don't go
particularly deep. What is happening is that the program is running really
really slowly, so slow that even runn