> I downloaded PyExcelerator.zip as I need to write some data into Excel
> files, and tried unsuccessfully to install it. I unzipped the files
> into C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/PyExcelerator
You should unzip to somewhere else, the install step will put the
correct file
Thanks!!! I had a good laugh at myself after i got it working.
> I downloaded PyExcelerator.zip as I need to write some data into Excel
> files, and tried unsuccessfully to install it. I unzipped the files
> into C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/PyExcelerator, and in a python
> command line window typed
> >>>os.chdir("C:/Python24/Lib/s
I downloaded PyExcelerator.zip as I need to write some data into Excel
files, and tried unsuccessfully to install it. I unzipped the files
into C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/PyExcelerator, and in a python
command line window typed