>> to build the windows binary from the SpamBayes source.
>> I'm running into an error when attempting to run "setup_all.py", the py2exe
>> setup script, and I get the following:
>> "ImportError
> I'm running into an error when attempting to run "setup_all.py", the py2exe
> setup script, and I get the following:
> "ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of setup_all.py)"
Wow, that's a blast from the pas
, the py2exe
setup script, and I get the following:
"ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of setup_all.py)"
I'm able to run Spambayes from these source files in Outlook and have the
correct python version, pywin32, as well as py2exe (2.4.x).
Any idea on