Thanks for the additional examples, David (didn't see this before my
last post). All of it makes sense now, including those examples.
D'oh... I just realized why this is happening. It is clear in the
longhand as you say, but I don't think in the way you descibed it (or
I'm so far gone right now I have lost it).
self.I += 1
is the same as
self.I = self.I + 1
and when python tries figures out what the 'self.I' is on the ri
Russell Warren wrote:
> Not true as above. The longhand for 'self.I += 1' is 'self.I = self.I
> + 1', which normally needs self.I to exist due to the RHS of this.
Try this:
>>> class foo(object):
... I = 1
... def __init__(self):
... print self.__dict__
... self.I = self.I + 1
> I can see how this can be confusing, but I think the confusion here is
> yours, not Pythons ;)
This is very possible, but I don't think in the way you describe!
> self.I += 10 is an *assignment*. Like any assignment, it causes the
> attribute in question to be created
... no it isn't. The +=
On 16 Jan 2006 14:11:25 -0800, Russell Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just ran across a case which seems like an odd exception to either
> what I understand as the "normal" variable lookup scheme in an
> instance/object heirarchy, or to the rules regarding variable usage
> before creation.
I just ran across a case which seems like an odd exception to either
what I understand as the "normal" variable lookup scheme in an
instance/object heirarchy, or to the rules regarding variable usage
before creation. Check this out:
>>> class foo(object):
... I = 1
... def __init__(self):