On Jun 20, 6:37 am, kj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi. Does anyone know of a module that will take a suitable Python
> dictionary and return the corresponding XML structure?
> In Perl I use XML::Simple's handy XMLout function:
> use XML::Simple 'XMLout';
> my %h = ( 'Foo' => +{
On Jun 20, 1:37 pm, kj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi. Does anyone know of a module that will take a suitable Python
> dictionary and return the corresponding XML structure?
> In Perl I use XML::Simple's handy XMLout function:
> use XML::Simple 'XMLout';
> my %h = ( 'Foo' => +{
kj wrote:
> Hi. Does anyone know of a module that will take a suitable Python
> dictionary and return the corresponding XML structure?
> In Perl I use XML::Simple's handy XMLout function:
> use XML::Simple 'XMLout';
> my %h = ( 'Foo' => +{
> 'Bar' => +{
Hi. Does anyone know of a module that will take a suitable Python
dictionary and return the corresponding XML structure?
In Perl I use XML::Simple's handy XMLout function:
use XML::Simple 'XMLout';
my %h = ( 'Foo' => +{
'Bar' => +{