Stefano Masini wrote:
> Do you think that is possible with win32 extensions?
you can do this via PIL's ImageFont module:
>>> import ImageFont
>>> f = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf")
or, if you don't want to ship the entire PIL library with yo
On 9/30/05, Roger Upole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's an example of how to use EnumFontFamilies:
I'm trying the code you just posted, which works (thanks a lot), but I'm having
another problem now.
As I stated in my first post, the reason why I need to know the list
of installed fonts is th
Here's an example of how to use EnumFontFamilies:
import win32gui
def callback(font, tm, fonttype, fonts):
print font.lfFaceName
return True
win32gui.EnumFontFamilies(hdc, None, callback, fonts)
The parameters
Stefano Masini:
> Indeed, win32gui does contain an EnumFontFamilies (without the
> trailing "Ex") function, but I found no usage example, and I couldn't
> figure out how to use LOGFONT handles (since such a thing is required
> as the first parameter to the call). So I decided to punt on it and
> a
I have a simple need, running under windows:
1) retrieve the list of installed system fonts
2) maybe install missing fonts
Surprisingly for me, there seems to be no support for such a thing in
python. I really hope I'm mistaken, so _please_ correct me if I'm
I found out that it all b