haxier wrote:
> All the info you need is in the kinterbasdb module. I've worked with it
> under windows and Linux and... "it just works". Really well indeed. I'd
> recommend it a lot.
> http://kinterbasdb.sourceforge.net/dist_docs/usage.html#faq_fep_embedded_using_with
> --
> Asier.
All the info you need is in the kinterbasdb module. I've worked with it
under windows and Linux and... "it just works". Really well indeed. I'd
recommend it a lot.
Claudio Grondi wrote:
> Do I understand it right, that I can use Firebird database in the same
> way as I can use the Berkeley one provided in Python standard distribution?
That depends on what you mean by "the same way"...
As with Berkeley, you can use it in-process, and don't need a
separate s
Ray Cote wrote:
> At 5:07 PM +0100 2/27/06, Magnus Lycka wrote:
>> I'm still interested
>> in experiences from Pythonistas using Firebird--
>> especially embedded.
> Works great.
> Python and Firebird embedded (at least on Windows) is very simple to use.
> Not currently using it on ot
At 5:07 PM +0100 2/27/06, Magnus Lycka wrote:
> I'm still interested
>in experiences from Pythonistas using Firebird--
>especially embedded.
Works great.
Python and Firebird embedded (at least on Windows) is very simple to use.
Not currently using it on other platforms.
Raymond Cote
Jarek Zgoda wrote:
> They just hired Jim Starkey. Perhaps MySQL AB hopes he will write a
> transactional engine for MySQL, as he previously wrote one for Interbase
> (which is known to be one of the best a man could imagine).
> Anyway, we got far off topic, so we better go somewhere else.