Steven D'Aprano:
> The only solutions to that are to reduce the amount of
> computation in each loop, reduce the number of items, or get a faster
> computer.
Changing language too is an option :-)
Languages like Java, D, C, C++ may help :-)
On Sun, 02 Nov 2008 00:25:13 -0700, dineshv wrote:
> I want to see if there is an alternative method for fast list traversal.
> The code is very simple:
> dict_long_lists = defaultdict(list)
> for long_list in dict_long_lists.itervalues()
> for el
> What is the fastest way to traverse these long_list's sequentially
> from the beginning to the end? Maybe there is another data structure
> that can be used instead of a list.
Psyco can help a lot in that kind of code.
>The elements of long_list are immutable (ie. don't change).<
On Nov 2, 1:00 am, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2008 00:25:13 -0700 (PDT), dineshv
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
> > I want to see if there is an alternative method for fast list
> > tr
I want to see if there is an alternative method for fast list
traversal. The code is very simple:
dict_long_lists = defaultdict(list)
for long_list in dict_long_lists.itervalues()
for element in long_list:
array_a[element] = m + n + p# m,n,p
are variable