We’re pleased to announce our official conference logo for EuroPython
2020, July 20-26, in Dublin, Ireland:

                  * https://ep2020.europython.eu/ *

The logo is inspired by the colors and symbols often associated with
Ireland: the shamrock and the Celtic harp. It was again created by our
designer Jessica Peña Moro from Simétriko, who had already helped us
in previous years with the conference design.

Some additional updates:

- We’re working on launching the mein website, the CFP and ticket sales
  in March.

- We are also preparing the sponsorship packages and should have them
  ready early in March as well. Early bird sponsors will again receive
  a 10% discount on the package price. If you’re interested in
  becoming a launch sponsor, please contact our sponsor team at

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:




EuroPython 2020 Team


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