A little confused about that I got the email list different. Sometimes has names and email address displayed on it, sometimes not . If I don’t follow the new list, just type python-l...@pythone.org It's another different one with different name on it. that confuse me to know which one is new one. Anyone has other email list problems ?
Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef> ________________________________ From: Fulian Wang <esta...@hestates.org> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2023 12:35:20 PM To: Cebtenzzre <cebtenz...@gmail.com>; python-list@python.org <python-list@python.org> Subject: Email list and part of website code For technical knowledge, hestates.org is not available for the past 1-2 days. Now it should be available worldwide. I apologize for the inconvenience that I cannot attach document of the code .py in the email . I want to, but failed on my devices . Anyone is welcome to visit me , call me or mail me about website design .Please check it if you are available to see the text code : I am a beginner to design my website, please help to check the website code. I already run it local successfully ,but want to make it richer and more variety. I need add a pdf document which was a published blog to temporals and other logo pictures to decorate it. Thank you import wsgiref.simple_server def application(environ, start_response): headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')] start_response('200 OK', headers) path = environ['PATH_INFO'] hestates = '' if path == '/home': hestates = '''<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head><title>hestates Title</title></head> <body> <p><a href="https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=eng";>The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints</a><p> <p><a href="https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=zho";>耶�d基督後期�}徒教��</a></p> <h1><a href="/Service">Service Area商���^域</a><a href="/Temporals">Temporals�偈垃�例</a><a href="/Contact">Contact Us��系我��</a></h1> <br /> <img src="https://content.churchofjesuschrist.org/templesldsorg/bc/Temples/photo-galleries/salt-lake-city-utah/2018/800x500/slctemple7.jpg"; /> <p> In the temple of THE CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of LATTER-DAY SAINTS, there is a sealing room to seal eternal marriage and family.The Doctrine of Eternal life, Marriage and Family is from Doctrine and Covenants 49:15�C17; 131:1�C4; and 132:1�C24. Adults can receive temple endowment as a gift from God which is addressed in Doctrine and Covenants 132:24 " This is eternal lives―to know the only wise and true God, and Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent. I am he. Receive ye, therefore, my law." As a member of THE CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of LATTER-DAY SAINTS, Fulian believes that memories,heart, might,mind, strength,and soul are human being's precious estates. As an agent of real estate, Fulian prefers clients to buy or sell real estates with effective and positive communication</p> <p>在耶�d基督後期�}徒教��的�}殿�Y,有一��印�C的房�g�碛∽C永恒的婚�s和家庭。永生,永恒的婚�s和家庭的教�x是�碜越塘x和�}�s的49:15�C17; 131:1�C4;和132:1�C24.成年人可以接受�}殿恩道�T教�x,一���碜陨竦哪芰Φ亩髻n的祝福。具�w可��教�x和�}�s的132:24 "�@就是永恒的�T生命――唯一智慧的真神,和他所差�淼囊��d基督。他是代表我。接受他也就是接受我的律法。"作�橐��d基督後期�}徒教��的一�T,付���J�橛���,心意,思�S,能力,力�夂挽`魂是人���F的�Y�a.作�橐������I���a���o人,付���A向於用�e�O有效的�贤ǚ绞��矸��铡��椭�客�糍��I或者�N售��人居住房�a。</p> <h1>You are on hestates Home您在主����面</h1> </body> </html>''' elif path == '/Service': hestates = '''<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head><title>hestates Title</title></head> <body> <p><a href="https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=eng";>The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints</a><p> <p><a href="https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=zho";>耶�d基督後期�}徒教��</a></p> <h1><a href="/home ">Home主��</a><a href="/Temporals">Temporals�偈垃�例</a><a href="/Contact">Contact Us��系我��</a></h1> <h1>You are on Service Area您在商���^域��面</h1> <h1>WELLCOME CASH ,CHECK, EPAY, GIFT CARD OR THANKSGIVING</h1> <h1> You are welcome to ask any appropriate and legal help.</h1> <p>欢迎使用Hestates.org.我们收取现金,支票,电子支付,礼品卡或致谢言.</p> <p> <a href="/Service1">Website Design定�u�W站</a> First, find someone around you can help you in this service. If there is no appropriate service, Then talk首先建�h您雇�蚰�周��方便��面�贤ǖ摹H绻��]有再��系我��</p> <p> <a href="/Service2">Website Hosting Service�W站托管</a>Safe and effective service at multiple states in USA and China可以提供中��和美��2����家多��不同省份的服�掌靼踩�有效的同�r服�眨�</p> <p> <a href="/Service3">Personal Assistant私人小秘��</a> Any appropriate and legal help, for example: Website domain service,Travel.The art of traveling is opening your imagination box and expands memories, mind,might,heart, strength and soul. Help to plan your vacation and guidance your trip, reserve hotel, and flight package. Suggestion of the tours, cars and activities. </p> <P>我��承接任何合法合��的服�找�求。比如�W站域名服�眨�旅行服��.�W站域名就像您��人的名字一�佑幸饬x.旅行的���g在於想象力的印�C和�U展,�K�U充您的����,增��您的��人魅力,提高您的智力,�S富您的�`魂。Hestates�湍�����您的假期和�o航您的旅行,我��可以�湍��A定�e�^和�C票。�f助您�A�x目的地,租��和其他活�印�<P> </body> </html>''' elif path == '/Temporals': hestates = '''<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head><title>hestates Title</title></head> <body> <p><a href="https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=eng";>The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints</a><p> <p><a href="https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=zho";>耶�d基督後期�}徒教��</a></p> <h1><a href="/home ">Home主��</a><a href="/Service">Service Area商���^域</a><a href="/Contact">Contact Us��系我��</a></h1> <h1>You are on Temporals您在�偈垃�例��面</h1> <h1>You are on hestates 3</h1> <p>Goodbye</p> <p>Go to <a href="/home">hestates 1</a></p> </body> </html>''' elif path == '/Contact': hestates = '''<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head><title>hestates Title</title></head> <body> <p><a href="https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=eng";>The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints</a><p> <p><a href="https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=zho";>耶�d基督後期�}徒教��</a></p> <h1><a href="home ">Home主��</a><a href="/Service">Service Area商���^域</a><a href="/Temporals">Temporals�偈垃�例</a></h1> <h1>You are on Contact Us您在��系我����面</h1> <p>We are always here to serve you when you need</p> <p>我��一直致力於客�羲�需</p> <p>please visit, call, text, and mail</p> <p>��面��,����,短信和�]件</p> <p>Meet(832)208-3196esta...@hestates.org</p> <h1>What is it that feed you? What is the meaning of life?Hestates.orgvalues every unique and precious person.Please enjoy, rest, learn, share and helpHestates.orgbetter. </h1> <h1>您有�P�]自己的成�L�幔磕�有思考�^生命的意�x�幔�Hestates.org相信每��人都是��一�o二的珍�F的���w。希望您能喜�gHestates.org,�K�闹杏兴��W��,有所安息,也�g迎分享於其他人,�K�椭�Hestates.org更好! <h1> </body> </html>''' return [hestates.encode()] httpd = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('', 8000, application) httpd.serve_forever() Sent fromMail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>for Windows Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef> ________________________________ From:Python-list <python-list-bounces+estates=hestates....@python.org> on behalf of Greg Ewing via Python-list <python-list@python.org> Sent:Monday, June 19, 2023 7:50:36 PM To:python-list@python.org <python-list@python.org> Subject:Re: Should NoneType be iterable? I would question the wisdom of designing an API that can return either a sequence or None. If it normally returns a sequence, and there are no items to return, it should return an empty sequence. -- Gre -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef> ________________________________ From: Python-list <python-list-bounces+estates=hestates....@python.org> on behalf of Cebtenzzre via Python-list <python-list@python.org> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2023 10:59:19 AM To: python-list@python.org <python-list@python.org> Subject: Re: pip install -e does not build shared libraries It turns out that this is a scikit-build issue: https://github.com/scikit-build/scikit-build/issues/740 https://github.com/scikit-build/scikit-build/issues/939 https://github.com/scikit-build/scikit-build/issues/981 -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
-- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list