On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 at 06:37, Terry Reedy wrote:
> The pydev recommended way to run pip on windows is
> > py -x.y pip
> as this installs the package requested into the x.y site-packages
> directory.
py -3.7 -m pip ...
Note the extra -m).
On 1/6/2019 9:56 PM, Logan Vogelsong wrote:
I planned on using python to simulate different cipher to challenge myself,
but I kinda deleted my environmental variables to python. I run Windows 10
and wanted to get NumPy and MatPlotLib modules imported to python.
Basically, I downloaded python 3.7
Hello- I think I subscribed now.
I planned on using python to simulate different cipher to challenge myself,
but I kinda deleted my environmental variables to python. I run Windows 10
and wanted to get NumPy and MatPlotLib modules imported to python.
Basically, I downloaded python 3.7.1 first