En Fri, 20 Mar 2009 00:16:29 -0200, Travis Miller
So far the C Api is really cool. I can do all the
math stuff where I need the speed, and still be able to use python
which is way more expressive.
Sure! One gets the best of both worlds that way.
Gabriel Genellina
I'm on linux actually. I found that so long as I implement
__reduce__, then pickling works, and my extension works with Queue
objects correctly. So far the C Api is really cool. I can do all the
math stuff where I need the speed, and still be able to use python
which is way more expressive.
En Sun, 15 Mar 2009 01:51:35 -0200, Travis Miller
I am very new to the python C API, and have written a simple type
called SU2 that has 4 members that are all doubles. Everything seems
to work fine (can import my module and instantiate the new type and
act on it with various method
I am very new to the python C API, and have written a simple type
called SU2 that has 4 members that are all doubles. Everything seems
to work fine (can import my module and instantiate the new type and
act on it with various methods I have defined), except for when I
attempt to use my new type wi