assume that it is not a Python package at all (but rather some
> command line utility in some operating system package). At least
> on my Ubuntu 18.04, "bluetoothctl" is an operating system utility.
> *from sh import bluetoothctl*
> *mac = "your bluetooth mac
*from sh import bluetoothctl*
*mac = "your bluetooth mac"*
*bluetoothctl("connect", mac)*
> In the pycharm, I see the below error message :
> *Cannot find reference 'bluetoothctl' in '' less... (Ctrl+F1) *
> *Inspection info: Thi
de on pycharm and try to point on the word
"bluetoothctl" in the beginning of the line "*from sh import bluetoothctl*"
*from sh import bluetoothctl*
*mac = "your bluetooth mac"*
*bluetoothctl("connect", mac)*
In the pycharm, I see the below error mes