Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> Well... We could try for equality in offense -- the Torah or the
> Koran? Maybe the Tripitaka or Sutras?
I always enjoyed the possibly apocryphal claim that the design of VRML
was influenced by the story of Indra's Net. Maybe some religious tomes
are just better
> Forget money, or even the love of money. The idea that one mustn't
> criticise another person's beliefs is the root of all evil.
This was a technical discussion, and calling the bible a joke was not
necessary at all. It creates a hostile atmosphere.
Can't you pick somewhere else to attack Chris
DevPlayer wrote:
> On Sep 27, 10:25 pm, alex23 wrote:
>> And like the Bible, the Zen was created by humans as a joke. If you're
>> taking it too seriously, that's your problem.
> Calling the Bible a joke is used to hurt people, not enlighten them.
> Those words show bitter arrogance, not co