Butternut Squash wrote:
> Where is the best place to learn how to use this library???
There dont seem to any tutorials on the web for PyQt4 yet. So you'll
have to make do with reading pyqt3 tutorials, and reading the bundled
example code.
If you are comfortable with C++, then check out the Qt tut
> QtNetwork
> A set of classes to support TCP and UDP socket programming and higher
> level protocols (eg. HTTP).
Since QtNetwork is asynchronous how does it compare to twisted?
I find Qt's signals and slots easier to understand and work with than
twisted deferreds.
Phil Thompson wrote:
> Riverbank Computing is pleased to announce the release of PyQt v4.0
> available from http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/.
> The main change from v4.0beta1 is the inclusion of comprehensive HTML
> documentation based on the Qt documentation.
> PyQt is a comprehens
Riverbank Computing is pleased to announce the release of PyQt v4.0 available
from http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/.
The main change from v4.0beta1 is the inclusion of comprehensive HTML
documentation based on the Qt documentation.
PyQt is a comprehensive set of Qt bindings for the Pyt