There is now an experimental version of **Movable IDLE** available,
this is an off-shoot of the `Movable Python
<>`_ project.
**Movable IDLE**, version 0.1.0 can be downloaded (free) from :

    `Movable IDLE Download

(Same place as the trial version of Movable Python.)

**Movable IDLE** is a portable distribution of IDLE, the Python IDE,
for Windows.

The homepage of Movable IDLE is :

This can be run without installing, and at only fifteen megabytes
uncompressed it can be run from a USB stick or memory card.

It comes with the full Python standard library, and should be capable
of running almost any program that can be run with IDLE. Hopefully this
will be useful for educational and experimental purposes.


**Movable IDLE** does not have all the clever trickery that **Movable
Python** does. This means that the `win32
<>`_ extensions, or any program
that uses ``imp.find_module`` are unlikely to work. It also won't work
with programs that have another event loop, like other GUI toolkits.

If you need these features, try `Movable Python`_.

On the other hand, if you do find bugs or restrictions, post them to
the `Movable Python Mailing List
<>`_ and it may be possible to fix
them. This is the right place to post feedback and suggestions as well.


**Movable IDLE** is copyright *Michael Foord*, 2006. It is free, but
not Open Source.

You are free to copy and distribute **Movable IDLE**, but not to charge
for it. It may not be included in any distribution which charges
directly or indirectly, without express permission.

The following sections of the `Movable Python License
<>`_ also apply :

* *Disclaimer*
* *Limitations*
* *Restricted Uses*


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