Hi everyone,
I ran into a case that I need to create a work process of an application
(Jython so has to call using java.exe) which will collect the data based on
what main process indicates.
(1) I tried multiprocessing package, no luck. Java.exe can't be called from
Process class?
(2) I tried
Hi everyone,
I ran into a case that I need to create a work process of an application
(Jython so has to call using java.exe) which will collect the data based on
what main process indicates.
(1) I tried multiprocessing package, no luck. Java.exe can't be called from
Process class?
(2) I trie
Recently I am trying out both the SWIG and BOOST, maybe Cython later.
However, I didn't get lucky with the combination of the latest SWIGwin 2.0.2
and Python3.2. No matter I build _example.pyd, example.pyd or _example.dll,
or example.dll, it just doesn't get imported as said in the instructio
Thanks for the info. Really I was hoping for a "non-intrusive" way to
expose existing C++ libraries to python. However, both solutions (BOOST,
SWIG) listed here require the recompilation of libraries?! Seems Cython is
doing the similar way? It is ok for small applications but will be h