I need to be able to programatically get the version info from a windows
DLL preferably in the same format as what is displayed in the properties
I was overjoyed to find Mark Hammond's Python Extensions
(http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond/) The package includes a little
demo program "
I need to be able to programatically get the version info from a
windows DLL preferably in the same format as what is displayed in the
properties tab.
I was overjoyed to find Mark Hammond's Python Extensions
(http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond/) The package includes a
little demo program
I also need to be able to get the version info from a windows DLL
preferably in the same format
as what is displayed in the properties tab.
I was overjoyed to find the little demo program filevers.py distributed in
the win32api download.
Unfortunately I get this error when I execute the script