Edward, thanks for the thoughtful comments.
I would like to offer a couple of links to the kind of stuff I am talking
about w.r.t. the "transparency" issue.
First, some from Eclipse:
http://www.eclipse.org/legal/ See espec
I hope the following message will not result in scorn being heaped upon me.
I know this is not a particularly fascinating topic for developers, but I
believe it is worth pursuing.
It seems to me that Open Source generally would be more pervasive if there
was more transparency with respect to
I agree with your point, which is why I asked the question. Risk cannot be
eliminated, but it can be understood and managed so that useful work can
still be done. If there is any way I can find out what the commiters do
prior to reaching a decision to accept or reject a particular submissi
I have visited the Python web site and read some information on who the
commiters are and how to go about submitting code to them, but I have not
been able to locate any information regarding the process for vetting the
code to identify any possible IP infringement before it is committed. How