2015-04-25 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
Dear Colleague, Attending several requests, the organizing committee of the International Conference VipIMAGE 2015 - V ECCOMAS THEMATIC CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL VISION AND MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSING (www.fe.up.pt/vipimage) to be held in October 19-21, 2015, in H10 Costa Adeje Palace, Tenerife,


2015-03-17 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
to organize Thematic Sessions under the auspicious of VipIMAGE 2015 are welcome. Proposals for Thematic Sessions should be submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt). Confirmed Thematic Session - Computational Vision and Image Processing applied to Dental


2015-01-11 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
, University of Bergen, Norway Thematic Sessions Proposals to organize Thematic Sessions under the auspicious of VipIMAGE 2015 are welcome. Proposals for Thematic Sessions should be submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt). Publications Proceedings: The

4th CompIMAGE - Pittsburgh, USA, Sept. 3-5, 2014

2014-02-05 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
Dear Colleague, The 4th CompIMAGE conference (http://jessicaz.me.cmu.edu/CompImage2014) aims to bring together researchers in the area of computational modeling of objects represented in images. Different approaches, such as level set method, deformable models, optimization, geometric modeling,

ICCEBS 2013 – Announce & Invitation

2013-09-04 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
t/~ijcvb). AWARD A best work prize will be given by the conference organizers to the best work presented in ICCEBS2013. Best wishes, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Universidade do Porto, Portugal (tava...@fe.up.pt) Renato Natal Jorge, Universidade do Porto, Portugal (rna...@fe.up.pt) (ICCEBS co-cha

Announcement: MICCAI workshop on Bio- Imaging and Visualization for Patient-Customized Simulations 2013

2013-06-05 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
niversidade do Porto, Portugal Zhijie Wang, University of Western Ontario, Canada Zhou Jiayin, Astar, Singapore Organizers João Manuel R. S. Tavares Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Porto, Portugal Email: tava...@fe.up.pt, url: www.fe.up.pt/~tavares Phone: +351-22-508-1487 Shuo Li Univers

IV ECCOMAS Thematic Conference VipIMAGE 2013: LAST CALL

2013-05-09 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt). Confirmed Thematic Sessions • Imaging of Biological Flows: trends and challenges • Trabecular Bone Characterization: New trends and challenges • Computational Vision and Image Processing applied to Dental Medicine Publications


2013-04-17 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
of Surrey, UK Thematic Sessions Proposals to organize Thematic Session under the auspicious of VipIMAGE 2013 are welcome. The proposals should be submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt). Confirmed Thematic Sessions • Imaging of Biological Flows


2013-03-28 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
under the auspicious of VipIMAGE 2013 are welcome. Proposals for Thematic Sessions should be submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt). Confirmed Thematic Sessions • Imaging of Biological Flows: trends and challenges • Trabecular Bone Characterization: New


2013-03-03 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
should be submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt) until March 1, 2013. Confirmed thematic session: “Imaging of Biological Flows: trends and challenges” Publications Proceedings: The proceedings book will be published by the Taylor & Francis G


2012-12-14 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt) until March 1, 2013. Publications Proceedings: The proceedings book will be published by the Taylor & Francis Group (www.balkema.nl/instructions.asp) and indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceed

New Taylor & Francis Int. Journal “CMBBE: Imaging & Visualization”: Announcement and CfP

2012-10-12 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
anuscripts should be sent by email directly to the Editor-in-Chief (tava...@fe.up.pt) in Adobe Acrobat Format (pdf); - 15 to 30 A4 pages in one column double spaced should be assumed; - The manuscript must provide authors’ names, affiliation and emails, and should include title, abstract and keyw

CompIMAGE 2012 - Call for Papers

2012-01-23 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
Dear Colleague, We would like to call your attention to the International Symposium CompIMAGE 2012 - Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications (www.dis.uniroma1.it/ compimage2012), that will be held in Rome, ITALY, in September 5-7, 2012. MAIN

CMBBE2012 – Special Session on “Computational Methods for Bio- Imaging and Visualization”

2011-11-12 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
submission page (http:// www.cmbbe2012.cf.ac.uk/abstract%20-%20author.asp) and select the Special Session “SS5 - Computational Methods for Bio- Imaging and Visualization”. With kind regards, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, University of Porto, Portugal, tava...@fe.up.pt (Organizer of the Special Session on

Symposium "Image Processing and Visualization in Solid Mechanics Processes" within ESMC2012 - Announce & Call for Papers

2011-10-01 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
regards, João Manuel R. S. Tavares (University of Porto, Portugal, tava...@fe.up.pt) Renato Natal Jorge (University of Porto, Portugal, rna...@fe.up.pt) (Symposium organizers) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Symposium “Experimental and Computational Bio-Imaging and Visualization” within ICEM15 – Announce & Call for Papers

2011-09-08 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
: 30 November, 2011; - Notification of acceptance: 13 January, 2012; - Submission of full-papers: 16 March, 2012. Kind regards, João Manuel R. S. Tavares (University of Porto, Portugal, tava...@fe.up.pt) Yongjie Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University, USA, jessi...@andrew.cmu.edu) (Symposium organizers) --

CompIMAGE 2012: Call for Thematic Sessions and Papers

2011-09-02 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
Dear Colleague, We would like to call your attention to the International Symposium CompIMAGE 2012 – Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications (www.dis.uniroma1.it/ compimage2012), that will be held in Rome, Italy, in September 5-7, 2012. MAIN T


2011-03-16 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
- Boston University, USA Thematic Sessions Proposals to organize Thematic Session within VipIMAGE 2011 are welcome and should be submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt) Thematic Sessions Confirmed - Simultaneous MR-PET imaging - Satellite image

VipIMAGE 2011 – ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - FIRST ANNOUNCE

2011-03-01 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
pain - Stan Sclaroff - Boston University, USA Thematic Sessions Proposals to organize Thematic Session within VipIMAGE 2011 are mostly welcome. Proposals for Thematic Sessions should be submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt) Thematic Sessions Confi

VipIMAGE 2011 – ECCOMAS Thematic Conference – 2n d ANNOUNCE and CALL

2011-01-07 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
mous University of Barcelona, Spain - Stan Sclaroff - Boston University, USA Thematic Sessions Proposals to organize Thematic Session within VipIMAGE 2011 are mostly welcome. Proposals for Thematic Sessions should be submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.u

Symposium “Computational Methods in Image Analysis ” within the USNCCM 11 Congress – Announce & Call for Pa pers

2010-11-26 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
abstract acceptance/rejection: February 28, 2011. Kind regards, João Manuel R. S. Tavares (University of Porto, Portugal, tava...@fe.up.pt) Renato Natal Jorge (University of Porto, Portugal, rna...@fe.up.pt) Yongjie Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University, USA, jessi...@andrew.cmu.edu) Dinggang Shen (UNC-CH

Symposium “Image Processing and Analysis in Biomed ical Engineering” within CompBioMed 2011 – Announce & Ca ll

2010-11-06 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
ract submission - expression of interest: 15 November 2010; - Notification of acceptance: 01 December 2010; - Final camara ready abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2011. Kind regards, João Manuel R. S. Tavares (University of Porto, Portugal, tava...@fe.up.pt) Renato Natal Jorge (University of P

VipIMAGE 2011 – ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - FIRS T ANNOUNCE

2010-10-14 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
n of their thematic session, may invite expertise researchers to have invited keynotes during their session and will participate in the review process of the submitted contributions. Proposals for Thematic Sessions should be submitted by email to the conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.u

6th Int. Conf. on Technology and Medical Sciences – Announce & Call for Papers

2010-04-02 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
Authors notification: May 30, 2010 - Final Papers: July 15, 2010 We look forward to seeing you in Porto in October. Kind regards, Renato Natal Jorge, University of Porto, Portugal (rna...@fe.up.pt) João Manuel R. S. Tavares, University of Porto, Portugal (tava...@fe.up.pt) Marcos Pinotti Barbosa,

ICNAAM 2010 Mini-Symposium on Computational Bioimaging and Visualization

2010-03-09 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
. S. Tavares, University of Porto, Portugal, tava...@fe.up.pt Renato Natal Jorge, University of Porto, Portugal, rna...@fe.up.pt (Organizers of the Mini-Symposium on “Computational Bioimaging and Visualization”) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

CompIMAGE 2010: Call for Short Communications

2010-01-26 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
Dear Colleague, In the framework of the International Symposium CompIMAGE'10 “Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications,” May 5-7, 2010, Buffalo-Niagara, NY, USA (www.fe.up.pt/CompIMAGE), prospective authors are invited to submit short communica

Symposium “Image Processing and Visualization in S olid Mechanics Processes” within the ESMC2009 Conference – Announce & Call for Papers

2009-01-08 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
of Porto, Portugal, tava...@fe.up.pt) Michel A. Audette (Kitware, USA, michel.aude...@kitware.com) (Symposium organizers) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Workshop "Medical Imaging Systems" within EUROMEDIA 2009 – Announce & Call for Papers

2009-01-02 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
April. Kind regards, João Manuel R. S. Tavares (University of Porto, tava...@fe.up.pt, www.fe.up.pt/~tavares) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Symposium “Image Processing and Analysis” within the ICCES'09 Thailand – Last Announce & Call for Papers

2008-12-29 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
ssing and Analysis”. If you intend to submit your work please notify as soon as possible the main organizer of your intention (tava...@fe.up.pt); The organizers are preparing a special issue of the International Journal Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES), ISSN: 1526-1492, dedi

Symposium “Visualization and Human-Computer” wit hin the IRF’2009 Conference – Announce & Call for Papers

2008-12-23 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
l Papers; - July 20-24, 2009: Conference Events. Kind regards, João Manuel R. S. Tavares (University of Porto, Portugal, tava...@fe.up.pt) Renato Natal Jorge (University of Porto, Portugal, rna...@fe.up.pt) (Symposium organizers) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

EURASIP JASP - Special issue on Image Processing and Analysis in Biomechanics - Announce & Call for papers

2008-12-09 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt
-- (Apologies for cross-posting) EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Special issue on Image Processing and Analysis in Biomechanics http://www.hinda