Re: python crashes in Komodo

2006-03-12 Thread swisscheese
Komodo ver 3.5.2, build 227162, platform win32-ix86. XP SP 2 Python 2.4.2 I did not think to enter the bug as it is so basic - list index out of bounds. When I run python at a dos prompt python handles the error properly. In Komodo, a simple case like this is no problem. x = [1,2,3] print x[4] I

python crashes in Komodo

2006-03-12 Thread swisscheese
Using the Komodo IDE under XP I often get "python.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close". Running python direct on the same app gives a list index out of bounds error. Any ideas how to get Komodo to give the proper error? --

Re: Passing a method indirectly

2006-03-05 Thread swisscheese
Thanks - that worked! Thanks to the other replies also. --

Passing a method indirectly

2006-03-04 Thread swisscheese
I'm trying to write a function that takes an arbitrary object and method. The function applies the method to the object (and some other stuff). I get error "Test instance has no attribute 'method' " How can I make this work? def ObjApply (object,method): object.method () class Test:

Re: Shortest prime number program

2006-02-11 Thread swisscheese
> 42 Make that 41 and 40. --

Re: Shortest prime number program

2006-02-11 Thread swisscheese
> [2]+[x for x in range(1,99) if 2**x%x==2] 42 - brilliant! 41: [2]+[x for x in range(1,99)if 2**x%x==2] ... although it appears Christoph is right that it's not scalable. --

Re: Shortest prime number program

2006-02-11 Thread swisscheese
>You can save two bytes with 56 - nice catch. 55: r=range(2,99) [x for x in r if sum(x%d<1 for d in r)<2] --

Re: Shortest prime number program

2006-02-11 Thread swisscheese
At 58, very nice :-) Building on yours we get 57: r=range(2,99) [x for x in r if sum([x%d==0 for d in r])<2] --

Shortest prime number program

2006-02-11 Thread swisscheese
I figured someone out there must have written a minimal code size prime number generator. I did not find one after a bit of searching around. For primes up to 100 the best I could do was 70 characters (including spaces): r=range(2,99) m=[x*y for x in r for y in r] [x for x in r if not x in m] --

Server side newbie

2006-01-29 Thread swisscheese
I have a simple python desktop app with several edit controls and a couple of buttons. It just does some math. What's the simplest way to make it a server-side app so visitors to my site can run the app via their browser? --

Re: textvariable help

2006-01-28 Thread swisscheese
Thanks - actually I have some of those books on the way from amazon. The first couple of days with a new language are always the hardest! --

Re: textvariable help

2006-01-28 Thread swisscheese
None - it was a false impression I got somehow. --

Re: textvariable help

2006-01-28 Thread swisscheese
Thanks for the quick reply. With your reply and another tutorial I get it now. I needed "self.Rows = ..." in the constructor. I find myself wasting a lot of time with poor python docs. Whatever time Python is supposed to save I'm losing so far in looking up things. I suppose that will change as I g

textvariable help

2006-01-28 Thread swisscheese
I must be missing something basic. Can anyone explain why 'A' does not show on the entry widget? import Tkinter root = Tkinter.Tk() class Col: Rows = [0] def __init__(self): Frame = Tkinter.Frame(root); Frame.pack (side='left') self.Rows[0] = Tkinter.StringVar();