Re: Calling python from C with OpenMP

2016-05-12 Thread Sturla Molden
wrote: > Second and most important question: When I run this code it sometimes > segementation faults, and sometimes some threads run normal and some > other threads says "Cannot call 'do_multiply'". Sometimes I get the > message: Fatal Python error: GC object already tracked. And some times it >

Re: Should iPython Notebook replace Idle

2015-07-04 Thread Sturla Molden
robably never going to happen. IIRC, the current release is the last to be named IPython. Sturla --

Re: Python Random vs. Cython C Rand for Dice Rolls

2015-06-08 Thread Sturla Molden
fast random numbers from Cython Sturla --

Re: What is considered an "advanced" topic in Python?

2015-05-30 Thread Sturla Molden
ere as well, not to mention embedding Python and using subinterpreters. Sturla --

Re: Hi. I have questions about Python

2015-05-28 Thread Sturla Molden
이현상 wrote: > Hi.Please note that do not speak english well. > Do you know Python 2 vs Python3 MultiProcessing the difference > ?Multiprocessing is better performance? The main difference is that multiprocessing on Python 3.4 (and later) will allow you to use APIs that are not "forksafe" on Linux

Re: Question About Image Processing in Python

2015-05-28 Thread Sturla Molden
Serge Christian Ibala wrote: > Or what is the recommendation of Python for image processing? Basic setup everyone should have: Python NumPy SciPy (e.g. scipy.ndimage) Cython C and C++ compiler matplotlib scikit-image scikit-learn pillow Also consider: mahotas tifffile (by Christoph Gohlke) Ope

Re: No ttk in 2.7

2015-05-21 Thread Sturla Molden
, then when it does > what you want tack on whatever you need to make 2.7 happy. I find it > easier to do things that way, though you may find that the only thing > you have to adjust is the imports. This is a good advice. And yes, it is easier than most would think. Sturla -- https://

Re: Lockfile hanling

2015-04-01 Thread Sturla Molden
Ian Kelly wrote: > As long as there's not *also* some other external process that needs > to access the file occasionally. :-) Then there is multiprocessing.Lock :) --

Re: (Still OT) Nationalism, language and monoculture [was Re: Python Worst Practices]

2015-03-03 Thread Sturla Molden
Mark Lawrence wrote: >> I can assure you that in a veterinary sence, Yersey cows will produce a >> milk with higher fat content. > > Yersey? Eh, Jersey. --

Re: (Still OT) Nationalism, language and monoculture [was Re: Python Worst Practices]

2015-03-02 Thread Sturla Molden
hine produced one code that only Alan Turing could break, it means all the other codes could be broken by someone else. What if I say "this file contains a long Fortran code"? Or what if I say "this file contains one long Fortran code"? There is a subtile difference in meaning here. Sturla --

Re: Parallelization of Python on GPU?

2015-02-26 Thread Sturla Molden
On 26/02/15 18:48, Jason Swails wrote: On Thu, 2015-02-26 at 16:53 +, Sturla Molden wrote: GPU computing is great if you have the following: 1. Your data structures are arrays floating point numbers. It actually works equally great, if not better, for integers. Right, but not

Re: Parallelization of Python on GPU?

2015-02-26 Thread Sturla Molden
On 26/02/15 18:34, John Ladasky wrote: Hi Sturla, I recognize your name from the scikit-learn mailing list. If you look a few posts above yours in this thread, I am aware of gpu-libsvm. I don't know if I'm up to the task of reusing the scikit-learn wrapping code, but I am g

Re: Parallelization of Python on GPU?

2015-02-26 Thread Sturla Molden
Python the easiest solution is to use Numba Pro. Sturla Jason Swails wrote: > On Thu, 2015-02-26 at 14:02 +1100, Steven D'Aprano wrote: >> John Ladasky wrote: >> >> >>> What I would REALLY like to do is to take advantage of my GPU. >> >> I can'

Re: Parallelization of Python on GPU?

2015-02-26 Thread Sturla Molden
If you are doing SVM regression with scikit-learn you are using libSVM. There is a CUDA accelerated version of this C library here: You can presumably reuse the wrapping code from scikit-learn. Sturla John Ladasky wrote: > I've been working with

Re: Bug in timsort!?

2015-02-25 Thread Sturla Molden
On 25/02/15 18:22, Mario Figueiredo wrote: And also presented a solution. Which also was incorrect :-D But now Benjamin Peterson has finally fixed it, it appears: Sturla --

Re: Bug in timsort!?

2015-02-25 Thread Sturla Molden
about that. It is more the hype this gets that indicates TimSort is already broken today, and even on your cell phone. Sturla --

Re: Bug in timsort!?

2015-02-25 Thread Sturla Molden
ch [1]; if you're sorting strings, they'll be 90 bytes each, so the integers are our best bet. So add another *five* powers of two to the RAM requirements. In that case you also need to add the PyObject_HEAD overhead for each object. ;-) Sturla --

Re: Bug in timsort!?

2015-02-25 Thread Sturla Molden
TimSort. Sturla --

Re: Python discussed in Nature

2015-02-13 Thread Sturla Molden
On 12/02/15 15:39, Marko Rauhamaa wrote: I write both Py2 and Py3 code, but I keep the two worlds hermetically separated from each other. In SciPy world we run the same code on Python 2 and Python 3. Sturla --

Re: Monte Carlo probability calculation in Python

2015-02-07 Thread Sturla Molden
or solving a particular problem (multidimensional integrals that are not analytically tractable), not something you would use for any kind of Monte Carlo simulation. Sturla --

Re: multiprocessing module backport from 3 to 2.7 - spawn feature

2015-01-30 Thread Sturla Molden
On 30/01/15 23:25, Marko Rauhamaa wrote: Sturla Molden : Only a handful of POSIX functions are required to be "fork safe", i.e. callable on each side of a fork without an exec. That is a pretty surprising statement. Forking without an exec is a routine way to do multiproc

Re: [OT] fortran lib which provide python like data type

2015-01-30 Thread Sturla Molden
Michael Torrie wrote: > Yes I can tell you haven't used C++. Compared to C, I've always found > memory management in C++ to be quite a lot easier. The main reason is > that C++ guarantees objects will be destroyed when going out of scope. > So when designing a class, you put any allocation rout

Re: RAII vs gc (was fortran lib which provide python like data type)

2015-01-30 Thread Sturla Molden
bar = Foo() in Python. It actually corresponds to with Foo() as bar: Sturla --

Re: multiprocessing module backport from 3 to 2.7 - spawn feature

2015-01-30 Thread Sturla Molden
Andres Riancho wrote: > Spawn, and I took that from the multiprocessing 3 documentation, will > create a new process without using fork(). > This means that no memory > is shared between the MainProcess and the spawn'ed sub-process created > by multiprocessing. If you memory map a segment with

Re: multiprocessing module backport from 3 to 2.7 - spawn feature

2015-01-30 Thread Sturla Molden
is not a bug in NumPy or in Accelerate Framework, it is a bug in multiprocessing because it assumes that BLAS is fork safe. The correct way of doing this is to start processes with spawn (fork + exec), which multiprocessing does on Python 3.4. Sturla --

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-23 Thread Sturla Molden
fail. Then Python will be like Smalltalk. Sturla --

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-22 Thread Sturla Molden
On 22/01/15 23:08, Ian Kelly wrote: T = TypeVar('T') def adder(a: T, b: T) -> T: return a + b I'm not thrilled about having to actually declare T in this sort of situation, but I don't have a better proposal. Here is a better proposal: def adder(a, b):

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-22 Thread Sturla Molden
the drain. Speed? No ... still 200x slower than Swift. Why go for Python? There is no benefit to it any longer. Sturla --

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-22 Thread Sturla Molden
On 22/01/15 20:43, Skip Montanaro wrote: The way you couched your opinion as a certainty, as if you could see the future, How do you know I cannot? --

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-22 Thread Sturla Molden
they will do is pick up "buzzwords" from the kind of journals that project managers read. And then they want that buzzword implemented. Sturla --

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-22 Thread Sturla Molden
Mark Lawrence wrote: > If they're too stupid to know the > meaning of the word "hint" that's their problem. It will also be Python's problem, because people are that stupid. --

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-22 Thread Sturla Molden
Chris Angelico wrote: > Uhh... if your managers and customers are stipulating non-Pythonic > coding styles, then it's time to find new managers/customers. If > they're not writing the code, code quality shouldn't be their concern. I am saying the day someone requires me to write a type hint, I w

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-22 Thread Sturla Molden
Skip Montanaro wrote: > FUD? What evidence do you have that this will be the way things shake out? I don't underestimate the stupidity of those who are not writing the code themselves. --

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-22 Thread Sturla Molden
Marko Rauhamaa wrote: > I think the SATAN is in the optional type declarations, not in the > particular syntax chosen. Yes. --

Re: Python is DOOMED! Again!

2015-01-22 Thread Sturla Molden
't typehint. And then there will be complaint about lack of such packages. And in 5 years every textbook read by new Python programmers will require type hinting as a "best practice". Forget about compatibility with Python 2. People will upgrade from Python 2 to Swift. And then g

Re: Trees

2015-01-20 Thread Sturla Molden
On 20/01/15 01:49, Dan Stromberg wrote: I think probably the most common need for a tree is implementing a cache, That is probably true, at least if you're a squirrel. --

Re: Multiprocessing process termination

2014-12-31 Thread Sturla Molden
file. Another nice way to get the database in a file is to run it in an Oracle VirtualBox VM. SQLite also allows multiple connections, by the way, but it does not scale very well. Regards, Sturla Charles Hixson wrote: > In order to allow multiple processes to access a database (curren

Re: Python, C++ interaction

2014-12-07 Thread Sturla Molden
On 05/12/14 23:17, wrote: m'giu vous êtès nom souris, pseudo nom cha'rs out oiu êtès, i'ret egop c'hâse I have not idea what that means, but I am sure it would be interesting if I knew French (or whatever it is). Sturla -- https://mail.python.

Re: jitpy - Library to embed PyPy into CPython

2014-12-06 Thread Sturla Molden
Albert-Jan Roskam wrote: > Interesting, but it is not clear to me when you would use jitpy instead > of pypy. Too bad pypy alone was not included in the benchmarks (cython > would have also been nice). And Numba can JIT compile this far better than PyPy and jitpy. Sturla

Re: Python, C++ interaction

2014-12-04 Thread Sturla Molden
oathed Fortran 66 and 77 languages. Fortran is a high-level language particularly suited for numerical computing, C is a semi-portable high-level assembler. Sturla --

Re: Python, C++ interaction

2014-12-03 Thread Sturla Molden
Cython is nearly always the answer to scientific computing in Python, including wrapping C++. Sturla Michael Kreim wrote: > Hi, > > we are working on a small scientific program that helps us in developing > and testing of new numerical methods for a certain type of biochemical &

Re: Proposed new conditional operator: "or else"

2014-12-02 Thread Sturla Molden
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote: >> foo == 42 or else >> > > Has a PERL stink to it... like: foo == 42 or die I think this statement needs to take ellipsis as well foo == 42 or else ... Sturls --

Re: Proposed new conditional operator: "or else"

2014-12-02 Thread Sturla Molden
ould raise IntimidationError if evaluates to false false. If evaluates to true it should just return . Sturla --

Re: "**" in python

2014-11-23 Thread Sturla Molden
Abdul Abdul wrote: > Wxy**2 > > What do ** mean here? Exponentiation. Same as ** means in Fortran. Sturla --

Re: Python has arrived!

2014-11-06 Thread Sturla Molden
Grant Edwards wrote: > According to > > > "Attacks occur in two phases. Hackers first infect a targeted >machine via simple malware that installs Python onto the device, >[...]" >

Re: "High water" Memory fragmentation still a thing?

2014-10-04 Thread Sturla Molden
> programmers who want to hack on the interpreter core?] Didn't the "new GIL" fix some of these problems? Sturla --

Re: Obscuring Python source from end users

2014-09-29 Thread Sturla Molden
Chris Angelico wrote: >> I have a project that involves distributing Python code to users in an >> organisation. Users do not interact directly with the Python code; they >> only know this project as an Excel add-in. >> >> Now, internal audit takes exception in some cases if users are able to >>

Re: Obscuring Python source from end users

2014-09-29 Thread Sturla Molden
and import that. It does not need a driver script because it embeds the Python interpreter in an executable. Yet another option is to compile the Python code with Cython and distribute everything as compiled pyd files. Sturla --

Re: Windows Studio 2008 Download

2014-07-28 Thread Sturla Molden This will work fine, if you remeber to set the environmental variable DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1 But it is an old compiler. Unfortunately a more recent Microsoft compiler cannot be used. I recommend a recent GCC or Intel compiler unless you have to us

Re: Windows Studio 2008 Download

2014-07-28 Thread Sturla Molden
-toolchain Sturla "Colin J. Williams" wrote: > I gather that Python is compiled with Windows Studio 2008. > > Unfortunately, the MS Download link points to a Studio 2010 advertising .ppx > > Could someone point to an alternative please? > > Colin W. > >

Re: .Net Like Gui Builder for Python?

2014-07-28 Thread Sturla Molden
mer: I still prefer LaTeX for anything but trivial manuscripts. Sturla --

Re: .Net Like Gui Builder for Python?

2014-07-28 Thread Sturla Molden
lder with layout managers (cf. wxFormBuilder) you will also find that it does not behave as you expect. Most will just find it annoying. But a GUI builder can be a nice way of avoiding having to remember (or look up) all property names. Sturla --

Re: .Net Like Gui Builder for Python?

2014-07-27 Thread Sturla Molden
e useful for a home user than (a) a user-unfriendly advanced > program; or (b) a more-or-less duplicate of what they have. Again, Apple Keynote is much better suited (even for professional users). Sturla --

Re: .Net Like Gui Builder for Python?

2014-07-26 Thread Sturla Molden
Martin S wrote: > Also if you look at any newbie programmer software, it's flawed. But it > wouldn't hurt making it easier creating flawed software. Better than less > software (unless it it's malware) Malware is rarely flawed. I wish it were, though. --

Re: problem on multi-threading

2014-07-25 Thread Sturla Molden
"水静流深" <> wrote: > name=['60', '01', '600319', '600531','600661', '600983', '600202', > '600149'] > x=webdata(name) >‍ > > never quit from the thread ,why? Call .start() instead of .run() --

Re: .Net Like Gui Builder for Python?

2014-07-25 Thread Sturla Molden
der. > what I was searching for is Visual Studio .Net like Gui builder where you > drag and drop widgets and just double click on the widget to edit code of > that widget. Most Python GUI frameworks are based on layout managers. "Drag and drop" does not work so well then. Stur

Re: Exploring Python for next desktop GUI Project

2014-07-25 Thread Sturla Molden
ntil you need to do something more advanced, like using OpenGL or creating custom controls. Then it starts to suck incredibly. Sturla --

Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-23 Thread Sturla Molden
Monte Milanuk wrote: > Aaaannnd here we have a good example of why it would be really nice to > be able to filter/score based on the message *body*, not just the > headers. 8( Actually, here we have the reason why Usenet died. --

Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-19 Thread Sturla Molden
wrote: > That doesn't address the problem at all! :-) You still need a news > reader. The problem was that Thunderbird does not support killfiles when used as a newsreader. Leafnode adds filtering capabilities which Thunderbird (supposedly) does not have. Sturla -- https://mail

Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-19 Thread Sturla Molden
Martin S wrote: > Is there a point to still use Usenet? Last time I checked noise > overwhelmed signal by a factor of something close to 542. can be a convinient way to read mailing lists instead of getting tons of mail. Sturla --

Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-18 Thread Sturla Molden
you to filter messages on headers, etc. Just run Leafnode and tell Thunderbird to use localhost as NNTP server. Whomever you plonk with Leafnode's killfilter will never be seen in Thunderbird. Sturla --

Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-18 Thread Sturla Molden
> Guess where I'm going with this is... is there anything out there worth > trying - on Linux - that I'm missing? leafnode --

Re: patch request for os.urandom()

2014-07-17 Thread Sturla Molden
On 17/07/14 20:34, Paul Rubin wrote: Could os.urandom() be patched to use the new Linux getrandom() system call on systems where it is available? /dev/urandom exists on other Unix-like systems as well. Right now os.urandom only uses special system calls on Windows. Sturla -- https

Re: how to check if a value is a floating point or not

2014-06-20 Thread Sturla Molden
e. That is what an unhandled exception will do, and in addition it will tell you where the error is and what it is, so just leave those exceptions unhandled. Sturla --

Re: how to check if a value is a floating point or not

2014-06-19 Thread Sturla Molden
be coverted to a float, the function float() will raise an exception: try: x = float(value) except ValueError: # not a float pass Sturla --

Re: Interfacing Fortran applications

2014-06-09 Thread Sturla Molden
t; as they are, that would require extensive testing with test cases that > don't exist. You are ok with adding sockets and IPC to a Fortran app, but using f2py is off limits because it requires a rewrite? Sorry, this doesn't make any sense. But it's your problem, I don't

Re: Interfacing Fortran applications

2014-06-09 Thread Sturla Molden
t as well use f2py from NumPy. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-08 Thread Sturla Molden
t; but not if the hs falls off. "Under two seconds" might become "the > blink of an eye". If the heat sinks falls off, yes, that is really bad news... But if the fan fails the warm up shouldn't be that rapid. I thought we were taking about fan failure, not detached heat sink. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-08 Thread Sturla Molden
gt; > I think that's about right. One would think that in 2014, a device called a "thermostat" would shut down the power before expensive equipent goes up in a ball of smoke. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-06 Thread Sturla Molden
ers. And there are many others. > And I don't even mention engineering tools for dependence analysis, > packaging, etc. (or even IDEs). You don't have to answer a rhetorical question. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-06 Thread Sturla Molden
Alain Ketterlin wrote: > Sturla Molden writes: > >> Alain Ketterlin wrote: >> >>> Many of these students suggest Python as the >>> development language (they learned it and liked it), and the suggestion >>> is (almost) always rejected, in favor of

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-05 Thread Sturla Molden
On 06/06/14 02:13, Roy Smith wrote: > Well, you *can* play evil games with the struct module :-) But then you are asking for it, it does not happen by accident. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-05 Thread Sturla Molden
On 06/06/14 01:41, Mark Lawrence wrote: > s/almost// :) Sometimes it is the right decision, like when your code is firmware for some avionics or medial life-support apparatus. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-05 Thread Sturla Molden
as possible. But still they avoid Ada, because, you know, the journals they read are full of Java buzzwords. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-05 Thread Sturla Molden
Alain Ketterlin wrote: > Many of these students suggest Python as the > development language (they learned it and liked it), and the suggestion > is (almost) always rejected, in favor of Java or C# or C/C++. And it was almost always the wrong decision... Sturla -- https://mail.p

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-05 Thread Sturla Molden
to > a function that was expecting an integer, that function will *know* > that it got a list, because objects in Python are rigidly typed. And then there is nothing that prevents the function from raising a TypeError. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-05 Thread Sturla Molden
ge. Types in Python are strictly enforced. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-05 Thread Sturla Molden
the wall time is spent inside the kernel waiting for some UI event (keyboard, mouse, whatever). And in both cases the battery is spent lighting up a screen that is mostly static. And in both bases the graphics displayed on the screen is generated inside some UI framework written in Ob

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-05 Thread Sturla Molden
id (which, by the way has > reference counting), but carries on the same object model that > developers are used to (and existing frameworks use). That is what PyObjC does as well. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-05 Thread Sturla Molden
cess. A Python with static typing would effectively be Cython :) It is the tool of choice in many scientific Python projects today. Most projects affiliated with NumPy and SciPy prefer Cython to C or Fortran for new code. Sturla --

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-03 Thread Sturla Molden
On 04/06/14 01:39, Kevin Walzer wrote: On 6/3/14, 4:43 PM, Sturla Molden wrote: Are Python apps still banned from AppStore, even if we bundle an interpreter? Python apps are not banned from the App Store. See Mac AppStore yes, iOS

Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-03 Thread Sturla Molden
rd with random mix of features. Unfortunately they retained the curly brackets from JS... Are Python apps still banned from AppStore, even if we bundle an interpreter? If not, I see no reason to use Swift instead of Python and PyObjC – perhaps with some Cython if there is "need for speed". Stur

OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-03 Thread Sturla Molden
are slow these days. And I guess Swift makes my 3g connection faster. It's ok to use in iOS apps. That would be it, I guess. Sturla --

Re: Fortran

2014-05-14 Thread Sturla Molden
Numba is still a bit immature, though, compared to e.g. Cython. Sturla --

Re: Using threads for audio computing?

2014-05-14 Thread Sturla Molden
or most of their work. If you are worried about the GIL you can always use processes (multiprocessing, subprocess, or os.fork) instead of threads. Sturla --

Re: What is the difference between 32 and 64 bit Python on Windows 7 64 bit?

2014-05-12 Thread Sturla Molden
n mistake, I guess, was to assume that sys.maxint is the biggest integer value Python 2.x can use. Sturla --

Re: What is the difference between 32 and 64 bit Python on Windows 7 64 bit?

2014-05-12 Thread Sturla Molden
en on Windows. The difference between 32 bit and 64 bit Python is what you would expect: The size of a C pointer is 64 bits, and the virtual address space is much larger (in general not 2**63-1 bytes, but some OS dependent value). Sturla --

Re: What is the difference between 32 and 64 bit Python on Windows 7 64 bit?

2014-05-12 Thread Sturla Molden
On 12/05/14 15:42, Sturla Molden wrote: - A one-dimensional NumPy array with dtype np.float64 can keep 16 GB of data before a 32 bit index is too small and Python starts to use long. A two-dimensional NumPy array with dtype np.float64 can keep 256 GB of data before a 32 bit index is too small

Re: NumPy, SciPy, & Python 3X Installation/compatibility issues

2014-05-12 Thread Sturla Molden
cientific computing. But there is no law that says you need to use either. You can have the best of both world's if you like. Sturla --

Re: What is the difference between 32 and 64 bit Python on Windows 7 64 bit?

2014-05-12 Thread Sturla Molden
a 32 bit int as indexer without rolling over to long. This is obviously way beyond anything the 2 GB limit on 32 bit Python allows. Sturla --

Re: python obfuscate

2014-04-12 Thread Sturla Molden
your code to generate bogus "legal documents" in the thousands, and thereby turn up your legal expenses. Sturla --

Re: python obfuscate

2014-04-11 Thread Sturla Molden
e being > charged for it?!? You can also add fear of patent trolls to this list. Particularly if you are in a startup and cannot afford a long battle in court. You can quickly go bankrupt on attorney fees. Sturla --

Re: python obfuscate

2014-04-11 Thread Sturla Molden
adly discount customers or pay anyone who help to improve my software. Open Source does not mean that software has to be free, that copyright is lost, or that copyleft is implied. Sturla --

Re: python obfuscate

2014-04-11 Thread Sturla Molden
alister wrote: > Concentrate on making the product (even) better rather than trying to > hide the unhideable. I think the number one reason for code obfuscation is an ignorant boss. Another reason might be to avoid the shame of showing crappy code to the customer. Sturla --

Re: python obfuscate

2014-04-11 Thread Sturla Molden
wrote: >> It's worth noting, as an aside, that this does NOT mean you don't >> produce or sell anything. You can keep your code secure by running it >> on a server and permitting users to access it; that's perfectly safe. >> > Perfectly? :-) Unless y

Re: python obfuscate

2014-04-11 Thread Sturla Molden
e code? Sturla --

Re: threading

2014-04-11 Thread Sturla Molden
man mind. A class with a couple of queues for input and output is far easier to comprehend. Sturla --

Re: python obfuscate

2014-04-11 Thread Sturla Molden
eneral, Cython is not useful as an obfuscation tool. Sturla --

Re: python obfuscate

2014-04-11 Thread Sturla Molden
Any of these measures can be circumvented, though. But it is hardly easier to read than compiled C++. Sturla --

Re: python obfuscate

2014-04-11 Thread Sturla Molden
least if the threat is other companies out to make money. Dropbox is an example. Sturla --

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