file processing question

2011-10-12 Thread selahattin ay
hi all, I wrote these codes but the program must write the prints to a text file... code = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500] list= [] a = 0 while a < 9: a+=1 list.append(a) last_list = [[int(str(i) + str(k)) for i in code] for k in list] list2= [] b = 0 while b < 9: b+=1 list2.appen

creating a code with two list

2011-10-11 Thread selahattin ay
hi all, I want to create a code with two lists like this code = ['234', '333' .. ] liste = []a = 0 while a<999 :a+=1liste.append(a) now I want to create this sample : the first element of codes list is 234 than the all elements of liste are 1,2,3 .. now I want to this 23

sending ftp file list to mail???

2011-10-06 Thread selahattin ay
hi all. I want to get my ftp list and send the list to my mail adress... my codes are from ftplib import FTP import smtplib from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEText import MIMETextbaglanti = FTP("") baglanti.login("**", "***") print baglanti.dir