november nihal wrote:
> I should have added I switch off the machine when I stop. ( I dont have
> to keep it in a sleep mode or in hibernation )
The iterator returned by itertools.combinations is pickleable:
>>> from pickle import dumps, loads
>>> from itertools import combinations
bartc wrote:
> Testing everything comprehensively just wouldn't be useful for me who
> works on whole applications, whole concepts, not just a handful of
> functions with well-defined inputs and outputs.
I had this experience with Pyrex (the precursor to Cython). The various parts
are so interdepe
There seems to be a gateway loop of some sort going on. I'm seeing multiple
versions of the same posts in comp.lang.python with different numbers of
"nospam"s prepended to the email address.
bartc wrote:
> (Maybe it's viable if working from an exacting
> specification that someone else has already worked out.)
In my experience, for anything non-trivial that hasn't been done before, these
"exacting specifications" never exist. Even if someone handles wnat they
*think* are exact and com
Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 1:11 AM, bartc wrote:
>>If I had to bother with such systematic tests as you suggest, and finish and
>>sign off everything before proceeding further, then nothing would ever get
>>done. (Maybe it's viable if working from an exacting specification