i think this has the same origin as the ftplib test failure.
Python 3.2.1rc1 (default, May 17 2011, 22:01:34)
[GCC 4.6.0] on linux2
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
send: 'ehlo [127.0.0
hi all,
i can't get connected to bugs.python.org
so here my make test results.
make test aborted when running test_ftplib.
and running
# ./python Lib/test/test_ftplib.py
Segmentation fault
with this kernel message:
[ 2166.927138] python[12142]: segfault at
FAIL: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (__main__.TestFileTypeW)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Lib/test/test_argparse.py", line 216, in wrapp
> hi all,
> suppose I have Python dict myDict and I know it's not empty.
> I have to get any (key, value) pair from the dict (no matter which
> one) and perform some operation.
> In Python 2 I used mere
> key, val = myDict.items()[0]
> but in Python 3 myDict.items() return iterator.
> Of
I got a import error when I use Python 3.2 to import BeautifulSoup 3.2.0
the error i see is a SyntaxError.
Is there any differences between Python 3.2 and other version?
yes. and there is a tool, 2to3, which converts
Python 2.x scripts to work with 3.x.
And the error message w
Question: I can't seem to find the captured image, where does it go?
for me, it just goes to the current working directory:
$ python -i
Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" fo
[V N]
I tried all your suggestions. No success.
don't forget to run:
make distclean
before you rerun configure
[V N]
> I installed openssl-1.0.0d.tar.gz on my RHEL 5 box using:
> ./config --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl
> shared zlib
you need to compile openssl with -fPIC flags,
depending on your system and compiler:
./config linux-generic:gcc -fPIC shared
and then recompile Python.