Parsing soap/xml result

2013-06-25 Thread miguel olivares varela
I try to parse a soap/xml answer like:"; xmlns:xsd=""; xmlns:xsi="";>"; xmlns:ns1="

RE: write file

2011-07-05 Thread miguel olivares varela
re completed. Or use "with": On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 2:25 PM, miguel olivares varela wrote: Hi, i got a csv file that i need to modify and create a new one, i have no problem to read mi 'test.cvs' which is the s

write file

2011-07-05 Thread miguel olivares varela
Hi, i got a csv file that i need to modify and create a new one, i have no problem to read mi 'test.cvs' which is the source file but when i try to create a new one with the modifications i only got the first row in my 'out.csv' file. I think there is somethng wrong in my loop because i can

RE: Date2Epoch script

2011-06-13 Thread miguel olivares varela
()while line_log:timestamp=int(time.mktime(time.strptime(line_log, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))) Miguel Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 07:19:54 -0700 From: To: Subject: Re: Date2Epoch script On 06/13/2011 06:

Date2Epoch script

2011-06-13 Thread miguel olivares varela
Hello i try to create a script to convert a date "mmddHHMMSS" as an UNIX timestamp. This is an example of my log file cat /tmp/test.log201106121122332011012614553520110126185500 here is my code: #! /usr/bin/python import osimport sysimport globimport reimport time dir_log = "/tmp"#loop to