Say I want to open a shared email inbox (named "DailyGoodEmails") that
is different from my default Outlook inbox, how do I specify this?
Currently, I would do:
s = Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
space = s.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
inbox = space.GetDefaultFolder(6)
myFolder = inbox.Folders[9] #open
I have a core c++ library that is exposed to python through the
boost_python framework.
I would like to write the core of a Newton's method solver in C++ and
be able to write the
functions that are evaluated to be in python. Does anyone have any
ideas on this?
I have compiled my boost-enabled C++ module and have it working when I
explicity set my LD_LIBRARY_PATH before invoking the python2.4
interpreter. Now I don't want everyone to have to set this environment
variable so I would like to devise a way that the module can load
itself. My attempt was to