hould not use `__builtins__` but import
> `__builtin__` and inspect that instead of `__builtins__`.
Ok. Should I only see `__builtins__` as an access to builtin
functions/exception/... ?
> Don't ``del __builtins__`` in the first place. :-)
Fair enough ^_^
> So the real question is, why you see 'math' in `__builtins__`. It should
> not be there.
I think the answer is that I need more rest...
> Ciao,
> Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
Thanks a lot,
Wildemar Wildenburger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> While I agree that the word "free" implies "free of monetary cost" to
> many people societies, that is by no means set in stone (talk to native
> americans, blacks, jews, palestinians, etc. about the word free, see