Scikits.timeseries for 2.7

2011-07-21 Thread JB
I'm currently using python 2.7, with numpy and scipy already installed, but I can't seem to install Scikits.timeseries. I've downloaded the windows installer from sourceforge, but when I run it, it checks for a 2.6 installation, and obviously doesn't find the 2.7 folder. Anyone know of a 2.7 instal

Executing multiple subprocesses and waiting

2011-01-26 Thread JB
One of my python scripts that takes a bunch of inputs from a tKinter gui, generates a set of command line stings, and then threads them off to subprocess for calls to other programs like Nuke and our render farm has recently started randomly crashing pythonw.exe. I'm taking a look at my threading

Encoding troubles

2010-05-17 Thread JB
I'm working on the webapp of our company intranet and I had a question about proper handling of user input that's causing encoding issues. Some of the uesrs take notes in Microsoft Office and copy/paste these into textarea's of the webapp. Some of the characters from Word such as hypens (–) and ap

Re: Iterating Through Dictionary of Lists

2009-09-14 Thread JB
On Sep 11, 9:42 am, Stefan Behnel wrote: > JBwrote: > > I have created a small program that generates a project tree from a > > dictionary. The dictionary is of key/value pairs where each key is a > > directory, and each value is a list. The list have unique values > > corresponding to the key, wh

Iterating Through Dictionary of Lists

2009-09-11 Thread JB
I have created a small program that generates a project tree from a dictionary. The dictionary is of key/value pairs where each key is a directory, and each value is a list. The list have unique values corresponding to the key, which is a directory where each value in the list becomes a subdirector

Re: Python/Fortran interoperability

2009-08-23 Thread JB
3 is the right path forward or not I have no strong opinion on. Specifically what's needed is some way to portably access the array descriptor data, and maybe also how to access the OOP functionality in a standardized way. The experience with C++ ABI's suggests that this might not be as straightforward as it sounds. -- JB --

Re: pdftk

2009-02-24 Thread JB
Reimar Bauer a écrit : Hi Does one know about a python interface to pdftk? Or something similar which can be used to fill a form by fdf data. everyday i use : import os os.system("pdftk.exe source.pdf fill_form data.fdf output output.pdf flatten") and BIM ;) --

Re: Reading from text

2009-02-17 Thread JB
oamram a écrit : Hi All, new to python. i have a directory with about 50 text file and i need to iterate through them and get line 7 to 11 from each file and write those lines into another file(one file that will contain all lines). First create a function that read and parse one file Then cre

Re: Any reliable obfurscator for Python 2.5

2008-04-20 Thread JB Stern
ot a software consultant' Holden wrote: >The sad fact is that there seems to be an almost direct inverse >correlation between the worth of the code and the authors' desire to >protect it from piracy. Would love to see some evidence to that effect. JB --

How to check if the connectivity is via Ethernet or dial-up

2006-07-08 Thread jb
Hi all: I was just wondering if there is a way to check (using python scripting) whether the computer's connectivity is via Dial-up or LAN/Ethernet adaptor? Is there a way in python to check the status of all available Ethernet adaptors? If not is there a way to achieve this by just checking som

Guido at Google

2005-12-21 Thread JB
It seems that our master Guido van Rossum had an offer from google and he accepted it!! long life to Guido & Goole ! many things to come ;) ju² --

Re: Use python to test Java and Windows (dll) applciations

2005-12-05 Thread jb
Thanks Cameron, Watsup looks compelling to me and its going to keep me busy for a while. Thanks for your help. -jb --

Use python to test Java and Windows (dll) applciations

2005-12-04 Thread jb
Hello everybody: I need help, and please let me know if python is the language of choice to implement following functionalities: I am trying to test a Java application and a C++ (win32) application. I want to be able to write python code to mimic user interaction with the application. Interacti

Re: popen2 usage

2005-07-21 Thread jb
at user would type Thanks, -JB Steven Bethard wrote: > jb wrote: > > Hi there: > > > > I need help with popen2 usage. I am coding on Windows 2000 environment > > and I am basically trying to run command line executable program that > > accepts command line arg

popen2 usage

2005-07-19 Thread jb
was supplied via in1.write method. This causing executable to wait forever unless user manually kills the process. Please help Regards, jb --

Re: How to enable Python Scripts with MS IIS Web Server?

2005-02-04 Thread jb
hi, you should first install win32all : next, 2 ways 2 proceed, but the first is the easier : you make a "test.asp" page in the folder at the top, you write <@Language=Python%> a line below : <%Response.Write("Hello World")%>