urllib2 not support proxy on SSL connection?

2006-05-02 Thread itay_k
Hi, I am running the following simple code (just open connection to some https page with proxy): proxy= '666.179.227.666:80' proxy=urllib2.ProxyHandler({"https":'https://'+proxy}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy) request = urllib2.Request('https://somehttpspage') response = opener.open(re

Re: send cookie on request with urllib2

2006-04-22 Thread itay_k
Thanks! -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: send cookie on request with urllib2

2006-04-21 Thread itay_k
ok. i will explain what exactly i wanna do. i want to simulate the following client-side script with python: document.cookie="name=tom"; document.images["Pic"].src="temp2.html" what that happen here, is when this page loading, the browser loads "temp2.html" with HTTP header:

send cookie on request with urllib2

2006-04-20 Thread itay_k
Hi, I dont understand why this is so complicated, just to add one line of cookie header on the GET request. This is my unworking code: import time import Cookie import cookielib, urllib2 c= cookielib.Cookie(1,"Name","Tom", 80,False, "itay", False, False, "d:\\asddd",False, False,time.time()+1000

http request with cookie sending

2006-04-18 Thread itay_k
Hi, I want to send a cookie on some http request (with urllib2), so I created a Cookie but I cant associate it with CookieJar object. for example: import Cookie import cookielib, urllib2 C = Cookie.SimpleCookie() C["a"] = "b" cj = cookielib.CookieJar() cj.set_cookie(C) in the last line I got: