My application that contains the .o's that were generated from using
"freeze" needs to import math. The point of using freeze was to make a
static application that can be shipped as a single entity (it contains
the dot o's from libpython2.4.a), vs having to worry about external
python dependen
I want to use freeze to create the .o's to then include in a library
that will be distributed. When I use freeze it creates a binary and a
main, and the main calls some frozenmain func. Obviously I dont want a
main() in this code. Do I need to extract the code that was generated
by freeze in main
Thanks for the solution!
Farshid Lashkari wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I want to pass something like this to a C function via the Python C
> > API.
> > mytuple = (("string_one", 1.2, 1.3), ("string_two", 1.4, 1.5), ..,
> > ., )
> > This tuple is dynamic in size, it needs
I want to pass something like this to a C function via the Python C
mytuple = (("string_one", 1.2, 1.3), ("string_two", 1.4, 1.5), ..,
., )
This tuple is dynamic in size, it needs to be 3 X N dimensions. each
tuple in the
tuple array is of the form (string, float, float) as descri