Re: Type hinting of Python is just a toy ?

2019-01-04 Thread iamybj--- via Python-list
{ id: 1, name:’abc’, age:99, address:{province:’CA’, city:’SA’}} Can be represent by: Class Address { public string province; public string city; } Class Person { public int id; public string name; public int age; public Address address; } -- http

Re: Type hinting of Python is just a toy ?

2019-01-04 Thread iamybj--- via Python-list
In fact, there is only 3 types in all prigramming languages. Primitive type: int, string, bool, char Complex type: struct or class Array Type: int[10], string[100], struct[1000] These 3 type can represent all thins in the world. --

Type hinting of Python is just a toy ?

2019-01-04 Thread iamybj--- via Python-list
I read that pep 484 type hinting of python has no effect of performance, then what’s the purpose of it? Just a toy ? Python is an old programming language, but not better than other programming languages, then what are you all dong for so many times ? Pep484 is too complex. Typle should not a

recommends of redesign OO feature of python !!!

2018-10-24 Thread iamybj--- via Python-list
I am an engineer of java and c#, I want to some personal projects in free time, and I choose python. After try python, I hava some suggestion. The first thing is that python’s class is not well designed than other programming languages. Using dictionary as data model is the 20th century style,