I am just learning Python.
I am trying to create a list of empty lists: [[], [], [], ...] (10
items total).
What is the most Pythonic way to do this?
If I use a list comprehension (as in myList = [[] for item in xrange
(0, 10)]), Netbeans warns me that 'item' is never used.
If I use a for-loop
I am considering teaching an "introduction to programming" course for
continuing education adults at a local community college. These would
people with no programming experience, but I will require a reasonable
facility with computers.
What would be a good book to use as the text for the course?
This may be obvious but, clearly there are (at least) two general
types of errors: those caused by data external to the program and
those caused by bugs in the program. For all inputs coming into the
program from outside, such as user inputs and data coming over a
network, the inputs must be comple
I am a Java developer. There, I said it :-).
When I am writing code, I can rely on the compiler to confirm that
any methods I write will be called with parameters of the "right"
type. I do not need to test that parameter #1 really is a String
before I call some method on it that only works on Str
In unittest, has anyone used the *NIX command "find" to automatically
build a test suite file of all tests under a specified directory?
I generally name my tests as _Test_ORIGINAL_MODULE_NAME.py where
ORIGINAL_MODULE_NAME is the obvious value. This way, I can include/
exclude them from deployments
I am looking for a unit testing framework for Python. I am aware of
nose, but was wondering if there are any others that will
automatically find and run all tests under a directory hierarchy.
Thanks, Ralph
Very nice. I printed out the PDF manual for sphinx. I'll take a look
at it.
I am considering teaching a beginning programming course using Python.
I would like to prepare my class handouts in such a way that I can
import the Python code from real ".py" files directly into the
documents. This way I can run real unit tests on the code to confirm
that they work as expected.
The other day one of our developers said that he thought learning
assembler language in college was a total waste of time. I can't
disagree more.
Even if assembler language is specific to one architecture, the
principles that it teaches are universal and fundamental to all other
programming langua