Re: Python Boolean Logic

2017-09-22 Thread steve . ferg . bitbucket
You have a lot of assignment statements, but nothing that produces output. Try adding statements like this at appropriate places... print ("bool_one = ", bool_one) --

Re: How to increment date by week?

2013-06-04 Thread steve . ferg . bitbucket
pyfdate -- from pyfdate import Time w = Time(2013,1,2) # start with January 2, 2013, just for example # print the ISO weeknumber and date for 52 weeks # date looks like this: October 31, 2005 for i in range(52): w = print (w.weeknumber, w.d)

Re: Help please! strange Tkinter behavior has me totally baffled.

2010-08-25 Thread Steve Ferg
Thanks mucho! That was it! -- Steve Ferg --

Re: Questions, newbies, and community (was: python terminology on classes)

2010-08-24 Thread Steve Ferg
I stand corrected. I didn't know the background. Thanks for supplying the larger picture. :-) --

Help please! strange Tkinter behavior has me totally baffled.

2010-08-24 Thread Steve Ferg
root" in line B refers to a global "root" variable, the script still crashes. I'm totally baffled. Does anybody know what is going on here? -- Steve Ferg (I'm running Python 2.6 under Windows, but I get the same behavior under Solaris.) --

Re: question about pdb assignment statements

2010-08-17 Thread Steve Ferg
Thanks mucho!! --

question about pdb assignment statements

2010-08-16 Thread Steve Ferg
In this little script: import pdb pdb.set_trace() def main(): xm = 123 print("Hello,world!") main() When I run this, I use pdb to step through it until I reach the point in main() where the xm variable has been initialized, and then I try to use pdb to reset the value of xm, and

Re: python terminology on classes

2010-08-04 Thread Steve Ferg
> Seriously, we can't keep doing your thinking for you.  The answers > to all your questions are section 9 of the tutorial. This is is just the kind of newbie-hostile smart-ass reply that we do not want to see on comp.lang.python. Let's try again: I think that the answers to all your questions a

Re: Difference Between Two datetimes

2010-01-14 Thread Steve Ferg
> I'd like to start with two dates as strings, as > "1961/06/16 04:35:25" and "1973/01/18 03:45:50" > How do I get the strings into a shape that will accommodate a difference? Pyfdate has a numsplit function that should do the trick:

Re: Code Generator written in python

2010-01-14 Thread Steve Ferg --

Language mavens: Is there a programming with "if then else ENDIF" syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Steve Ferg
This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang out here. It is not Python related, except that recent comparisons of Python to Google's new Go language brought it to mind. NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python. I like Python just the way it is. I'm just curious about

Re: Good books in computer science?

2009-06-22 Thread Steve Ferg
If you are looking for *classics*, then you can't beat Michael Jackson's "Principles of Program Design" and "System Development". They are pre-ObjectOriented, but if you really want to understand what application programming is all about, this is where you should start. I also recommend Eric S. Ro

Re: easiest way to check python version?

2009-06-22 Thread Steve Ferg
import tkinter.filedialog as tk_FileDialog from io import StringIO else: from Tkinter import * import tkFileDialog as tk_FileDialog from StringIO import StringIO -- Steve Ferg --

Re: Seeking old post on developers who like IDEs vs developers who like simple languages

2009-05-20 Thread Steve Ferg
> I think you mean this clbuttic post: > That's it! Thanks very much, Marco!! It is good to read it again. It is like visiting a place where you grew up years ago, and finding that it is completely different than the way you remember it. It is surprisin

Re: Seeking old post on developers who like IDEs vs developers who like simple languages

2009-05-19 Thread Steve Ferg
Thanks. Your observations would make good comments on the original blog message that I'm seeking. Do you have a link to that blog? --

Seeking old post on developers who like IDEs vs developers who like simple languages

2009-05-17 Thread Steve Ferg
ke me also think "Boy, that guy really got it right". But despite repeated and prolonged bouts of googling I haven't been able to find the article again. I must be using the wrong search terms or something. Does anybody have a link to this article? Thanks VERY MUCH in advance, --

Re: Smalltalk-like Python IDE ?

2009-03-20 Thread Steve Ferg
I'd suggest looking at Komodo IDE --

EasyGui now supports Python 3.0

2009-03-19 Thread Steve Ferg
Just a follow-up: I've just uploaded a version of Easygui that works with Python 2.x and 3.x. I blog a bit about it at --

Re: problem with pydoc under python 2.6.1

2009-03-05 Thread steve . ferg . bitbucket
Problem solved Yinon's messages prompted me to take another look at my own code (below). I realized that in the batch file I am looking for in different locations for Python25 and Python26, but I am executing python.exe without changing the path. Which means that I am executing the same

problem with pydoc under python 2.6.1

2009-03-05 Thread steve . ferg . bitbucket
namedtuple ImportError: cannot import name namedtuple -- Steve Ferg --

Looking for tips on running Python version 2.6 and 3.0 together on same *WINDOWS* machine

2009-02-24 Thread steve . ferg . bitbucket
. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -- Steve Ferg --

Re: MoinMoin - Can't create new pages

2005-10-25 Thread ferg
Newsflash: I've tried the [[NewPage]] macro and that works, but still no joy with the WikiName links. Well that's a work around for now, but it'd still be great to know why the other methods don't work... --

Re: MoinMoin - Can't create new pages

2005-10-25 Thread ferg
I should have mentioned that the error message I keep getting is the ol HTTP 404 - "The page cannot be found" --

MoinMoin - Can't create new pages

2005-10-25 Thread ferg
I've checked all the FAQs and help - spent a couple of hours on this now and it's really bugging me. I've got Moin 1.3.5 installed on IIS 5.0. I can view and edit pages without any problems, but cannot create new pages - either trough the GUI, or by creating a new WikiName and clicking on it. I'm