Can someone please recommend a python web app framework which doesn't
abstract away sql in favor of python objects?
As far as I can tell, frameworks such as django, turbo gears, etc.
allow one to drop down the the sql layer, however that is not the most
effecient use of the framework. I would lik
Wow, thanks for all the reponses. Very helpful!
Is there a way I can do time series calculation, such as a moving
average in list comprehension syntax? I'm new to python but it looks
like list comprehension's 'head' can only work at a value at a time. I
also tried using the reduce function and passed in my list and another
function which calcu
Wow, great answers here. Thank you all for the links and examples, I'm
going through them all now.
I forgot to add that I passing a tuple of functions to the reduce
function but apparently that is not allowed. My guess was that a tuple
made up of individual (simple) functions might be easier to manipulate
programatically than a function which has to know the structure of a
(My test code)
Hi All,
I am fairly new to Python (less than a week). My goal is to write a
small prototype of a database. Rather than build it using the typical
method where one provides selection, projection, aggregation, union,
intersection, etc. functions, I would like to do it in a more
'functional' style (
Sorry. I was wrong about "global" statement.
Then examples seems to be even more intricate:
def Synhronised(lock,func):
def Here_I_work(*a): return 1 # Stub
def asd(a): retur
I know I came after the battle. And I have just another sight on context
Simple Context Managment may look in Python 2.4.1 like this:
Synhronized example:
def Synhronised(lock,func):
Hello python-list,
As I Understood, semantic may be next:
def qwerty(a,a.i,b,b.i,f.j):
Would work like:
def qwerty(anonymous1,anonymous2,anonymous3,anonymous4,anonymous5):
del anonymous1