I have an application where images (jpeg) have to be annotated by an
operator. I use PIL like:
import Image
im = Image.open(Path)
raw_input(Path + ':')
Python runs in a console window. Then show starts some application (in
my case "Windows picture and FAX viewer") and the pict
Hi, all!
I'm writing a web page tester. The page is designed in such a way, that
every time it creates an image file and displays it on the page. As
soon as the file is downoladed it is deleted from the server.
Using PAMIE I can download the page (by controlling an instance of IE)
images = ie
Eclipse is very-very slow. 3G P4 looks like 8M 86. It might be good for
Java, but not for Python. BUT THIS IS 1 OF 2 IDE'S WHICH ALLOWS
Eclipse is very-very slow. 3G P4 looks like 8M 86. It might be good for
Java, but not for Python. BUT THIS IS 1 OF 2 IDE'S WHICH ALLOWS
Isaac Gouy wrote:
> Which stated "Python is doing the heavy lifting with GMPY which is a
> compiled C program with a Python wrapper" - but didn't seem to compare
> that to GMPY with a Java wrapper?
You are missing the main idea: Java is by design a general purpose
programming language. That's why
Python uses auto garbage collection. As soon as the object reference
count becomes 0 it is removed from existence. So the problem typical
for C/C++: accessing pointers
to already deleted objects does not exist in Python.
This algorithm is called soundex. Here is one implementation example.
here is another:
Looks OK to me. Just tried on my network - works with no exceptions
A hint :) Is ADO supported?
//So my solution (need help on this) is that I have been thinking on
letting the monitor listen for socket connection. Through this, the
main app can tell him to close when the main app closes correctly. Do
you think this is well thought? Any suggestions?
This is the only solution you have to cons
Languages are very similar but Python has more cale avaliable. Much
setup.py install
I understand, that what I suggest does not solve the problem you want,
Why do you want to restrict CPU usage to 30%? In Windows I run CPU
intesive therads on IDLE priority, while interfacand/or communication
threads run on normal. This gives me best of two worlds:
1. I use 100% CPU (good) an
1. Why not to simplfy the problem. You can extract values from the
dictionari in python (this is fast). Put them in a list (fast). Pass
the list to the extension, handle it and return to python. etc.
2. Use Pyrex.
C programs also can be disassembled. Serious people do not consider
braking the machine code harder byte-code.
Sure it does not. As well as C, unless you instaead of malloc use low
level os-dependant APIs.
Look for:
The linear method:
You create an array - one bool per minute. For one day 24 * 60 entries
is enough. Spans (Start, End) are in minutes from midnight. Set array
slots in range(Start, End) to True for each input span.
Scan the array and find metaspans - contiguous sequences of False.
Look for the packet called "KirbyBase". Small, pythonic, text based
> I am new to python and was very enthustic about its possibilities
> I discover that python is really what it is : just a scripting
> language.
> The fact that python doesn't check if the symbol ... is defined, is
really bad ...
1. For a language like Python full static checking is IM
Theoretically you have to use lock, while accesing the isgood instance,
but... practically noting bad can happen IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, if
you don't. Python uses Global Interpreter Lock. In other words only
one thread is running at any particular moment. Thread scheduling is
preemptive, but "ato
Does somebody have bindings to Dialogic voice cards driver. I'm sure
some people do have them, but could not find any reference. Ideally
there sould be some framework for CT applications in Python.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> I need to build table which need searching data which needs more
> power then dictionary or list in python, can anyone help me what
> kind of database suitable for python light and easy to learn. Is
> mySQL a nice start with python ?
It depends... mySQL is fine for more
Reading the language tututorial would help you a lot :(
=== what is the difference between pc and pc()?
pc = getToolByName() - returnes a refference to a method
pc is a refference to a method, pc() is a method invocation.
numbers = {"total":len(results),"bytype":{}
Windows: textpad
Linux: vim
//And there's no handle at all?
There is one (check thread_nt.h) you have to "propagate" HANDLE to
Pythom level. That's why, you have to change the interpreter. Do not
forget, that thread is a build-in module.
//I wouldn't want to derive from Event since my goal would be to submit
patch to make
Nicolas Fleury wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to get the file descriptor on Unix or handle on
> associated internally with a threading.Event object? So that it can
> used in a call to select or WaitForMultipleObjects.
> Thx and regards,
> Nicolas
Good idea! But...
There is no event
TRy db_row does exactly what you want to do. Slower, but more simple:
class Struct:
def MakeStruct(seq, names):
obj = Struct()
if len(seq) != len(names):
raise IndexError("seq and names are not the same length")
for i
Please do not change the syntax. Better focus on the library.
1. There are already 3 constructs right now for this problem.
2. List comprehensions are used mostly in examples. At least I came to
such conclusion reading the standard library modules.
How about this?
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR,1)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
except socket.error, e:
if e
print "address already in use"
> I'm using windows 2003 small business server and I want to install my
python programm as a NT (it's just an old name) service. Does anybody
know how to do this?
1. you need win32 extensions installed;
2. you need py2exe (optional if you want to install the service on the
machine with no Python)
Starting a process on WIN98 is VERY slow. (On NT much faster the second
time). If you really want to use WIN98, modify CGIHTTPServer.py in such
a way, that branch
#Other O.S. -- execute script in this process
is executed.
This way CGIHTTPServer is as fast as it gets. At least not slower then
John Lenton wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 06:20:36PM +, Will McGugan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm accumulating a number of small functions, which I have sensibly
> > in a single file called 'util.py'. But it occurs to me that with
such a
> > generic name it could cause problems with other
I was trying to write an asyncronous TCP server for win32 using
WSAEventSelect (which lives if win32file). Such events require
WaitForMultipleObjects (which lives if win32event) and
WSAEnumNetworkEvents WHICH IS NOT EXPOSED. This makes WSAEventSelect
useless. Does somebody know how to add the WSAEn
I'm trying to use py-xmlrpc. All works fine (and very fast) in
one-threaded case, but I really have to serve many clients.
As advertised, py-xmlrpc supports non-blocking calls (via select).
When request is received the handler is called with proper parameters.
As I understood from reading the
> Try manually, but think about these options: a firewall that
> has suddenly been enabled, an SMTP server that now requires
> authentication, some kind of proxy like what virus scanners
> use (though why they would intercept outgoing mail I don't
> know)...
> -Peter
I bet it was the firewall
I was using pyXLwriter in C-python, but recently had to code in jython.
Tried to port pyXLwriter to jython and it does not work. Did somebody
uset this module with jython?
For the problem described pycrypto is the best solution. Blowfish is
simple and secure. The method you want to use is called "security by
obscurity". But chances are very high that the "homebrewed" scheme you
will invent will not stand any serious crytoatack.
First of all: both sides (sender and
Sure it will do if one of the processes needs read access only.
Scenario when you need shared rw acces with locking:
In the file you have "records" say 30 bytes long, 2 processes are
reading/writing these records by: lock-read-unlock or lock-write-unlock
. Both processes have to open the file with
Sure it will do if one of the processes needs read access only.
Scenario when you need shared rw acces with locking:
In the file you have "records" say 30 bytes long, 2 processes are
reading/writing these records by: lock-read-unlock or lock-write-unlock
. Both processes have to open the file with
I just have written the program in "C", which does the same. It behaves
almost the way you described.
Tthe copy command gives such diagnostic:
The process cannot access the file because
another process has locked a portion of the file.
0 file(s) copied.
Lambda functions will become obsolette in the nearest future. This is
the PLAN.
Goggle: keyword pyXLWriter - ported from Perl. Does not support newer
exel files. F.e. if you create a table and write headers (names) they
will be in the table as row 0. But it is fast and it works. Has a lot
of examples.
I doubt that the recipe you recomended will work at all in the case of
different processes. To do this right file has to be open in shared
mode (by both programs). Python does not support shared access.
In the case of one program, but different threads probably this will
//I will do it in the next day or two.
Me too!
Remember, this is a programmer and a manager
telling you his plan. :) But, if I do not, nobody in my department will
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