I upgraded from Python 2.5.4 to Python 2.6.2 under the Windows 64-bit
AMD version, but no external libraries (eg. pyparsing and Numpy 1.3)
work. I noticed a few odd things:
i. pyparsing could not find an entry for Python 2.6.2 in the Wondows
ii. Python 2.6.2 only allows per-machine inst
Hi bearophile
Thanks for that about Python3. My integers range from 0 to 9,999,999
and I have loads of them. Do you think Python3 will help?
I want to do testing on my local machine with the large numbers of
integers and was wondering if I can get away with an existing Python
data structure or
Yes, "integer compression" as in Unary, Golomb, and there are a few
other schemes.
It is known that for large (integer) data sets, encoding and decoding
the integers will save space (memory and/or storage) and doesn't
impact performance.
As the Python dictionary is a built-in (and an important da
If you store a large number of integers (keys and values) in a
dictionary, do the Python internals perform integer compression to
save memory and enhance performance? Thanks
Does anyone have experience of working with Python and very large text
files (> 10Gb) on 64-bit Windows Vista?
The problem is that my Python program - to perform simple data
processing on the 10Gb file - never completes and ends with an error.
When I reduce the size of the file (< 5Gb) the program
re: "You should never have to rely on the default encoding. You should
explicitly decode and encode data."
What is the best practice for 1) doing this in Python and 2) for
unicode support ?
I want to standardize on unicode and want to put into place best
Python practice so that we don't have to w
On Nov 2, 1:00 am, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2008 00:25:13 -0700 (PDT), dineshv
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
> > I want to see if there is an alternative method for fast list
> > tr
I want to see if there is an alternative method for fast list
traversal. The code is very simple:
dict_long_lists = defaultdict(list)
for long_list in dict_long_lists.itervalues()
for element in long_list:
array_a[element] = m + n + p# m,n,p
are variable nu
We have a list of N (>2,000) keywords (of datatype string). Each of
the N keywords has associated with it a list of names of varying
numbers. For example, keyword(1) will have a list of L1 names
associated with it, keyword(2) will have a list of L2 names associated
with it and so on with L1 not e