Hi! That works perfect!
But how I do it in a Win98? Does the win32all library have a standard
way to do it?
Thank you
I think there's no way to append to a non existing list.
Sorry about my question, but the English is my second language, and I
don't know what is the meaning of IHMO (or IMHO). I googled and found
that it means "In My Humbled Opinion", is that true? Thanks and accept
my appologies for not talk
Hi to all,
How can I get the Process ID (PID) of an application started because of
Or, better, How can I get the PID of a running program, suposing I know
the name of the running application?
Many thanks.
And if you want only the hex number, try:
Look for the Docs and examples file. It has a full list of interesting
examples, including the way for loading GUIs from xrc files. The xrc
files can be generated from DialogBlocks, XRCEditor, wxDesigner.
> Personally, I use init
> as an app monitor. It doesn't need monitoring
What's "init"? Sorry about my ignorance.
Hi to all,
I'd like to have an app monitor that gets rid of another app, in the
way that if it closes unspectedly, the app monitor just wake it up one
more time, and viceversa.
I mean:
Main application starts
This one starts the App Monitor of itself. (This means that if Main
Application closes,
The answer is here:
"The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to
maintenance downtime or capacity problems."
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everythin
Tu madre
Excuse me all of you for the way I answered. Sybren, and all of you,
accept my apology. I saw the Sybren's message yersterday late night in
a bad moment.
I'll visit the OpenSSL forum.
Thank you all.
First, is the PYTHON OpenSSL C wrapper what I need to get running.
Second, if you don't know how to answer, then limit your opinion to
> wouldn't your question then not be more appropriate on the
> OpenSSL newsgroup/mailinglist/forum/whatever?
Well, I think that because python is the language where I want it to
run, I ask it right here.
OpenSSL is written in C, so they wont help me. I need the right
wrappers to that C library.
Thanks... I did it right that way, but asked it without telling how I
did it just to see what are the occurences of others. I thing there's
no better/faster solution.
Many thanks
Hi to all,
I have functions defined in an xml-rpc server. Some functions query to
a Postgres database (using adodb) and return its recordset. So, if some
xml-rpc client runs the mentioned function, it will retrieve the
recordset. The problem is that if a retrieved field has the Null value
or the D
> I think it would be time for you to read the Fine Manual...
hi, thanks for your answer... I really did it the same way you
suggested, but I forgot to tell you that I wanted to get a better way
for doing it.
By the way, knowing your wisdom, what do I have to install to get the
following code wor
Hi all,
How can I replace all None values with the string 'Null' in a
For example:
convert this:
a = {'item1': 45, 'item2': None}
into this:
a = {'item1': 45, 'item2': 'Null'}
When enabling the server, note that you put '' as the IP, and not
if you put an ip: '', your server will listen on that IP (if
it's valid)
if you put '', your server will listen on all IPs defined on that
of you put 'localhost', it will listen for local connections
Hi to all,
What do I have to install to get the following code work (Win XP,
Python 2.4.2)
from OpenSSL import SSL
import config
I've been looking for OpenSSL for python. I found pyOpenSSL, but
Here's my SimpleXMLRPCServer derived class for serving XMLRPC
functions. Note that this class enables you to shutdown the xml-rpc
server in the moment you want just accesing the QuitFlag variable of
the class. I would like to add SSL functionality to that. What do I
have to add or modify in
Hello all...
Someone can tell me what is the parameter 'transport' used for?
I think it can be used for encrypt the data... If so, how can I use it?
Hi all,
Anyone knows a simpler but stronger control access to XML-RPC functions
than the one I comment here?
My actual system works like this:
I have a TCP Server and an XML-RPC Server. Both of them verify if the
IP address is allowed.
The TCP Server works for validate and register an IP addres
> One suggestion about the above: "description" is actually the exception
> instance (the object), not just the description.
Yes. In fact, it's a tuple. Maybe, I'll change it for just printing the
second item of it.
Thanks a lot.
Hi to all,
Can someone give me lights on how can I deal with dlls from python?
My main purpose is to get access to a Unitech PT600 Bar Code system. I
have the dll that works fine through Visual Basic. But I'm migrating to
Python, so I need a way to use the same dll, or a C library.
I tried to ac
Maybe you don't have an up to date python version. I'm using 2.4.2.
I tried:
import pprint
pprint.pprint([1,2,3,4,[0,1,2,[3,4]],5], width=1,indent=4)
[ 1,
[ 0,
[ 3,
Works fine.
Ok, sorry about the above question. I solved it adding this to the main
SrvrTCP = module.ThreadedTCPServer(ip,port)
except Exception, description:
Error:\n\n"+str(description),title="TCPServer",style=wx.OK |
> Now that may not be perfect, since I'm not familiar with the TCPServer()
> call. I've sort of assumed it does something quickly and returns, or
> raises an exception if the input is bad. If it doesn't actually return
> if it starts successfully, you would need a little different approach.
> Pro
> Hello,
> I am just starting to play threading in python, here is a really
> interesting problem I am very curious about:
> "
> import thread
> def main():
First, delete the dot after "test".
Second, is possibly that the Main() finishes before you can see the
> Before, after, or during the .start() call, or somewhere else?
I'd like to catch *just after* the .start() call.
> I'm quite sure the problem you are trying to solve can be solved, but
> you are still describing part of the solution you believe you need,
> rather than explaining why you want to
Hi Peter. Sorry for my delay. I wasn't in home the weekend.
> Define what "get" means for your purposes. It appears that you mean you
> want to catch the exception, but in the thread which launched the other
> thread in the first place. If that's true, please show where you would
> expect to cat
I think you said the same as me:
Password = "password"
h = Hash(Password)
h is "GddTHww90lze7vnmxG" (whatever)
Sends h over the network to the server.
h is a string, so this approach is simply vulnerable.
SRP seems to be very good, but because I don't know it well, I think
I'll delay it
Thanks for your answer, but I think that created thread in python
should create a thread either on windows and linux.
Can you give me Python example of how to do what I want to do? Thanks
Hi all,
How can I get a raised exception from other thread that is in an
imported module?
For example:
import programB
thread = programB.MakeThread()
import threading, time
class SomeExcept
Hi all,
I have this table on a database:
Table: user
coduser | username | password | securitylevel
1| fcumana || 0123456789qwe
where "securitylevel" is a string where the presence of each character
is a permited key for running certain functions.
For example:
Hi all,
Below, you can see a class that when it receives a host connection, it
gets validated. Then, if the validation returns True, then process the
request. Also, if I want to stop the server, I simply access the
self.QuitFlag in lock mode, and set it to 1.
Now that you know what I have, I woul
> Well, I mean, what kind of data is it? Sports chat? Personal
> correspondence? Financial info like credit card numbers? Medical records?
> Military/diplomatic traffic? I'm asking how severe the security requirements
> are.
Important data like diplomatic traffic. Must be accessible from
> Can you say what your application is? That will help figure out how far you
> need to go to protect these passwords, and what alternatives might be
> possible.
Sure, no problem (see this on fixed text):
___ MasterServer ___
/// || | \\
> Do you know how any other system manages to do this? Linux, for example
> assuming properly configured system)? The passwords aren't stored: hashes
> of the passwords are stored (with additional things thrown in to prevent
> certain kinds of attacks even if someone nabs the password (/etc/s
Ok, I understand... What about the MD5? Is it good enough to use when
saving a hashed password on the database?
For example:
user_input = raw_input("Type your password: ")
password = md5.md5(user_input).hexdigest()
then, what you proppose?
> Sounds like it, but how is it different from what I just described? :)
That's right, but I wanted to rewrite it... I was for confirm my recent
acquired knowlegde :)
With "alphanumeric" I meant the md5 hash (for example).
¡Beautiful and elegant solution!
Two copies of the password: one on the client, the other on the server.
1. Client wants to connect
2. Server generates a random_alphanumeric_string and sends it to the
3. Both Client and Server creates a hash string from
4. Client sends the hash string to
Hi. I found TSL, a Python Library that supports SRP.
Do you know where can I find a sample client and server code? Thanks
for your help.
Hi all,
I have a program that serves client programs. The server has a login
password, which has to be used by each client for logging in. So, when
the client connects, it sends a string with a password, which is then
validated on the server side. The problem is obvious: anyone can get
the passwor
I'm sorry, I didn't the right question... Of course that I can break
the file and rewrite it on an xmlrpc protocol for transmition, or send
a byte each time through the socket lib. I meant is there a program
already developed that sends and receives files based on xmlrpc calls?
...If the answer is Yes, can you give me an example either in the
server side and the client side?
I googled a lot, but I can't find nothing regarding this.
A lot of thanks.
I'm looking for code under VB6 :(... I'm looking everywhere. I hope I
get luck.
Hi... Thanks for your answer, but can you give me his contact or tell
him to post here the answer I'm looking for? I'm needing it seriously.
Hi to all...
Someone knows if is there possible to have a Python SOAP or XMLRPC
server that works with VB? I would like you to include the examples
clients and server programs.
My examples are:
import SOAPpy
def sum(x,y):
return x+y
server = SOAPpy.SOAPServer(("localhost", 8080))
wxDesigner + XRCed = The best.
I would like the Boa approach but with xrc exports. It would
reaally be the best of the best!
And don't get me wrong too, but "to be better than the competition you
need to be better than the competition" - Christoph Rackwitz
I would like to adapt the PyShell code completion to DrPython, because
programs are very good... Any clue for start finding the code location
both programs to accomplish this?
> There are specific python modules for SQLite on Linux.
Which? I thought pysqlite works on Linux.
My important question is: If I develop an app using
Python-wxPython-PySQLite under Windows, and run it on Linux, it should
work, ¿right?
Try one of these:
- Hit F8
- Menu View/Toggle Source Browser
Does PySQLite run on Linux?
Hi. You were right: I meant "Code Completition". I did what you told me
to do. I get now auto completition of code.
For example:
import wx
wx.(here appear a list with the possibilities)
But (there's always a "but") with:
button = wx.Button(...)
when I write "button." there's a flick of the
> But I personally recommend DrPython. (Not only, I'm a member of the
> project).
I saw this message and downloaded DrPython. It's very good: I like the
class/functions browser while I'm coding... but I can't find the
autocompletion feature you talk, and I think this feature is very
important. Whe
> Really though, these questions are more suited for the wxPython
mailing list.
Thank you very much for this acclaration :)
Ok, I get the point. So, when a dynamic component comes up, It can be
handled importing from an XRC file?
I have to develop a complete MDI app, so I'm realizing that I will get
ride of hand-coding it.
Correct me if I'm wrong: XRCed doesn't allow to do MDI Parent and Child
frames, but simple apps only.
For what you wouldn't use it? And instead, what would you use instead?
GUI Hand coding?
If you see carefully, that question was for you too, because the reply
is at the same level as the one that says "Aaand: which do you
prefer?" :)
Aaand: which do you prefer?
And what did you use for deploying either PyGTK and wxPython? In other
words, what were your workspace and logic of the development?
Had you used it?
Hi all... Thank you for your answers...
wxPython, under Linux, tries to use GTK... A better way to say it is:
wxPython uses whatever it needs: under Windows, his API; under Linux,
his API (may imply the use of GTK or GNOME), etc...
Aparently, none of you has tried wxPython recently or properly.
Hi all...
I think wxPython is much better than PyGTK. First of all, PyGTK needs
the GTK runtime installed, whereas wxPython is entirely Python's
modules, so It facilitates the apps' distribution. Also, PyGTK uses
specific controls or widgets of GTK, while wxPython uses native
controls of the platf
Hi Dennis... Then, what would be your solution? Print a PDF? If so, how
you do that without assuming that an
application is available to print it?
Hi all...
Does anybody know about the best SQLite Database Manager open source
web-based or standalone app under windows?
I tried:
- SQLiteManager (web-based - http://sqlitemanager.sourceforge.net/) but
I can't get it working. (When I try to just create a new database, it
does nothing... If anyone
the question is "is there an application
that can compiles standalone python applications for running under
Windows?" and "is there an application
that can compile standalone python applications for running under
Linux?". So I want a compiler for each platform, but that works.
Hi all...
Here is my infrastructure design of a "distributed" system:
- Many (30-50) hosts connected via VPN to a server.
- Each host manages a system that receives local data (stored in a
local database), and has to be sent to the server, so the rest of the
hosts can "see" this data.
What I want?
Hi all...
There are py2exe, but it only works for Windows.
Which would be the convenient(s) compiler(s) to deploy an executable
that runs under Windows and under Linux (obviously, they have to be
from different source of program compiler)...
Any comments? (write the Pros and Cons of each one please
Any comments?
Hi. Thank you for your answer. I had been working on NSInstaller since
it was the first one I looked up.
I take advantage of this comment to say that NSInstaller really works
(for whoever that is reading this) ;)
"Client" and "Server" are just definitions or convention names. If your
program "listens" to connections, then it is a server. Just it.
Hi there... I want to distribute my python apps and the MySQL Database
in the easiest way possible. I mean a user just run the installation
file and all is automaticly installed. Any suggestions?
My knowledge: I know, as many of you, that there's py2exe for compiling
python apps for running under
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