Have you considered a multi-threaded solution?
The following websites offer reasonable examples:
Dirk Hagemann wrote:
> Hi!
> How can I start several job
Thanks so much for your help on this. The server that I'm connecting
to is the culprit. They only allow five connections at a time.
I assumed that it was a code issue. I think that we're conditioned to
expect that the problem is on the software side of things.
There are n instances of ftplib.FTP.
Funny thing is that I tried to run the code twice, concurrently, in two
separate IDLE instances. Each instance had four threads/ftp calls.
Again, only five ftp connections were allowed on my computer. The code
errored out on the sixth attempt.
I wonder if the
I'm trying to use ftp in python in a multi-threaded way on a windows
box - python version 2.4.3. Problem is that it appears that it's only
possible to have five instances/threads at one point in time. Errors
look like:
File "C:\Python24\lib\ftplib.py", line 107, in __init__