Why I don't want to rely on WMI:
I am wanting to use this under Windows PE, and although I can include
WMI, I just wanted to find out whether there is a way to not use it.
Another thing:
I really do want to also get the partitions that do _not_ have an
associated drive letter.
All in all:
I am pr
Is there any way of listing partitions on a (win32) computer without
using WMI?
Cheers, Claude
Thanks guys, I like the urllib solution. Stupid me, looked at urllib
reference, but thought that "quote" and "unquote" deal with
_&_n_b_s_p_;_ style entities.
Hi guys
I have a huge list of URLs. These URLs all have ASCII codes for special
characters, like "%20" for a space or "%21" for an exclamation mark.
I've already googled quite some time, but I have not been able to find
any elegant way on how to replace these with their 'real' counterparts
(" " a
should = 42
has = Zeile.count(';')
if has < should:
Zeile += ";"*(should - has)
cheers, claude