interactive programme, using pyTTS

2006-06-15 Thread carmel stanley
Hi i have been making an interactive programme,i have recently tried using "pyTTS" with it. This is a small ammount of it. import pyTTS tts = pyTTS.Create() tts.Rate = -3 tts.Speak('hi molly how old are you?.') s = raw_input ("how old are you?") if s=='3': print "thats great" else: print "tut

interactive programme & pyTTS

2006-06-13 Thread carmel stanley
Hi i have been making an interactive programme,i have recently tried using "pyTTS" with it. This is a small ammount of it.   import pyTTS   tts = pyTTS.Create()tts.Rate = -3tts.Speak('hi molly how old are you?.')s = raw_input ("how old are you?")if s=='3':    print "thats great"else: print "

python website

2005-12-16 Thread carmel stanley
I am interested in doing a web site in python can any body direct me to a site that was created in python.  thanks nige --